Search results

  1. forseth11

    Searching for an ILS at an uncontrolled field

    Most airports I have seen with class E starting from the surface (dotted magenta) either had just a LOC or ILS. Also this might help for finding and ILS nearby:
  2. forseth11

    Ground School weather and Airspace??

    Oh, I thought you meant that my separation and visibility values were wrong. My examiner tested me on MVFR. He never mentioned SVFR and all I remember is that it is some clearance you can get to take off or land with clear of cloud and 1 mile visibility, and they require IR for night. Also...
  3. forseth11

    Ground School weather and Airspace??

    I thought I did... what did I forget exactly?
  4. forseth11

    Ground School weather and Airspace??

    Class E: 700 ft agl in magenta 1200 ft agl elsewhere surface is the dotted magenta 18000ft msl is the top This part you just have to memorize. For the 1200 and 700 just think, 700 is in more controlled space so those have the shaded magenta around them. As for VFR in class E... Below 10,000...
  5. forseth11

    FutWut Alliance Airshow?

    No idea how to get out of there besides an uber. How many people are expected to fly in for the airshow?
  6. forseth11

    FutWut Alliance Airshow?

    Hicks - T67 is actually closer to alliance. They likely are not allowing traffic because they currently have 16R/34L closed. They are working to extend both runways to 11,000ft. Both ILSes are also currently out. Idk.. just a guess as to why there is no fly in traffic allowed.
  7. forseth11

    Ipad Apps for New Pilot

    I use WingXPro. Its like Foreflight. If you are a student pilot, I would not recommend using your iPad yet. I know on my check ride I was not allowed to use my iPad except for getting weather for preflight planning. The examiner even wanted my flight plan to be all on paper, so really no use...
  8. forseth11

    New to the site

    Unlikely. The FAA makes changes to rules and AIM every year, so I wouldn't bet on it.
  9. forseth11

    No heading bug

    If it is something short term, like vectors onto an ils, I use memory. If it is my initial clearance or take off heading or anything else that may last quite awhile, I write it on my board or my ipad. You never know when a passenger will randomly decide to throw up all over you (distractions).
  10. forseth11

    Sportys IFR Course

    I enjoyed the course too. I felt like I knew all the content and I took two practice tests at the end, and I got a 97 on each. Then I took the real written test and got a 70..
  11. forseth11

    New to the site

    Youtube can be useful, but isn't always current nor reliable. I would suggest just like everyone else said: Current FAR/AIM. If you are looking to learn the ground school portion of training I would recommend Sporty's online private pilot course. That's what I used to learn. It is only...
  12. forseth11

    Instrument Rating - Safety Pilot

    My CFI is my father who happens to be a full time airline pilot, so he doesn't have other students at this time.
  13. forseth11

    Instrument Rating - Safety Pilot

    Now that you mention it, yes it does. I'll put something on it.
  14. forseth11

    Instrument Rating - Safety Pilot

    Hello. I'm currently training for my instrument rating and I only need 12.7 more IMC or simulated IMC time. So far I have only practiced and trained with my flight instructor, and I was wanting to try out the safety pilot option since my instructor is not always in town. Would any private...