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  1. M

    FBO will not give me my plane back

    This is ridiculous and why pilots have a notorious reputation for being cheap. I pulled up asked about parking fees and left it.....for two weeks. Recently...I went to a hotel paid for a night and tried to stay two weeks and they had the audacity to kick me out! They should've bulldozed...
  2. M

    Turn Key Fuel Station for Airport

    If you are contemplating the airport using federal money for it there will be many questions asked. If there has been any fuel system before, you automatically will get a no. If this is a federally obligated airport going through the airport consultant is the way to go.
  3. M

    Turn Key Fuel Station for Airport

    What's the budget? How many gallons? There are some neat systems that are self contained on skids.
  4. M

    Anyone a FAASTeam Representative?

    the faast team is one of the biggest boondoggles in the FAA. Is the concept great? Yes, of course...could it be done by volunteers? Yes. Is it done by volunteers? Yes. Does the FAA (us) pay faast team program managers in each fsdo across the country 150k a year? Yes.
  5. M

    Chicago Aviation Store

    A few years ago, someone told me about an aviation themed store of stuff in Chicago but I can't find the name. Anyone know of this place? Thx
  6. M

    Special Rule For Model Aircraft

    I started in RC...I don't think its unreasonable to require the same rules for operating in the airspace...if we become the jetsons one day, doesn't make sense to leave people out of uncle sam's view.
  7. M

    Please help! I graciously ask for this community to consider me as a brother who is asking for help!

    I am an Saudi prince and have many many rubles to share! Please email me your credit card number and I will refund money onto it!
  8. M

    Can we quickly compare AOPA's Membership to EAA's

    Show one piece of non-AOPA produced evidence to support that. AOPA abandoned any true privatization fight for a crap basicmed.
  9. M

    Close call for me at 5500 ft near Albany

    I doubt, flying even the smallest of bugsmashers, that anyone could see a drone with a white light on it with any clarity, especially to be able to identify it as a drone.
  10. M

    Age 65 Limit Slipped in FAA Bill

    Have you actually read it or just they hype? All it says is moving ATO COO to the Secretary's office rather than FAA.
  11. M

    NBAA/EAA/AOPA req to help

    How is there no public comment? The bill is being debated in a legislative committee hearing. Additionally, AOPA/NBAA's hype on this is way off simply says the FAA ATO COO should report to the Secretary.
  12. M

    Age 65 Limit Slipped in FAA Bill

    That is just false. Read the amendment.
  13. M

    Aircraft Use/Sales Tax

    It's not that hard. Your residency doesn't matter. It's where the plane was purchased and where the plane is based that matters.
  14. M

    AOPA, EAA, neither, and why?

    EAA: Pro - Airventure, chapters. Con - Useless staff, irrelevant in the grand scheme of lobbying AOPA: Pro - Free hat. Con - No real support for true GA -- the org is blinded by Mark Baker's wealth and extensive experience as a 'rich GA' guy. All in all -- neither would know a small...
  15. M

    International Air Rally (Caribbean)

    I've dealt with her several times...always difficult.
  16. M

    Poor Detroit - Silverdome Demolition Fail

    only 30 miles off...
  17. M

    Got a Call from FSDO Today..

    So you had the pitot cover on or it was iced up? Whats the rest of the story?
  18. M

    I’m a 1%er

    great thread.