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  1. R

    Why do so many threads seem to turn into ****ing matches?

    To Quote the late great George Carlin (well as much as you can quote him): "The amount of an a****le a person is is directly proportional to the distance they are away from you at the time you discover this flaw." He had a great routine on how loudly you call someone an... If you are...
  2. R

    Cycling the prop

    I do 3, but was taught: 1. Watch oil pressure. 2. Watch RPM. 3. Listen for something to sound odd. I have been doing it the same way for over 20 years and never once questioned it. The POH states during run up: Propeller - EXCERCISE to obtain 300 to 400 RPM drop.
  3. R

    Foreflight Synthetic Vision in the plane today.

    Finally broke down and ordered my Stratus 2 today. I knew it wouldn't take long for me to justify it to myself. Now that I decided to get it, I want it now, but it is on back order until the 20th. Arghh
  4. R

    [NA] Apple's upcoming Watch

    I will get one of the first ones to come out, then I will spend the next 3 months complaining about how they could release a product with so many issues. There is nothing quite like life at the bleeding edge of technology.
  5. R

    Another "Which Course for the IR Written?" Question

    I did my IR a few years ago. Originally I bought the Sporty's course, and worked through that. I liked it because it broke the course up by the phase of the flight. I would have stuck with it, however I was getting frustrated on some of what I would call more archaic/arcane topics (relative...
  6. R

    First icy runways during IFR training last night...

    I am aiming my snowblower in your direction. I feel guilty not sharing some of the wealth.
  7. R

    Fighter Jet rides

    I was just trying to figure that out from their website. I figured it would be worth a call to them this week.
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    Fighter Jet rides

    This is where this gets hard for me. I get excited about the Mig, but then reading further I realize how little I know about them. Growing up during the Cold War, and seeing the condition of their equipment as things fell apart, concerns me more than a little. As much as going to the...
  9. R

    Fighter Jet rides

    Thanks for the feedback. I am glad to hear that on the stability, I was definitely wondering about that.
  10. R

    Fighter Jet rides

    Thank you. That is intersting I didn't realize that you had an L-39 there. I knew you had a T-6. I used to fly out of Aurora for years. I rented from Lumanair back when Ma and Pa were there. Staying local would definitely add to my flight time :yes: I am probably looking at doing...
  11. R

    Fighter Jet rides

    I just looked at their website. I definitely like the idea of a school. I am glad to hear that they have a good reputation. I am going to give them a call. Thank you.
  12. R

    First icy runways during IFR training last night...

    I have definitely done a few skidding run ups. If I think it is going to be bad, I just do it on the roll on the taxiway.
  13. R

    Fighter Jet rides

    My 50th birthday is coming up, and since I was really young I wanted to fly in a fighter jet for my 50th. I just got permission to do it (can't believe at my age I still have to ask for permission, apparently some things you never outgrow). Anyways, I know there are or were a couple of...
  14. R

    First icy runways during IFR training last night...

    The fixed gear I have flown have always had their pants removed before winter (sounds cruel). I am not sure of how many planes can have them removed. But it seems like a good idea with snow and ice if they can i have never personally had an issue with our retract in winter, but I have heard...
  15. R

    Earnie "Mr Cubs" Banks Died

    I think one of those guys had a famous offspring. Of course here is the real reason the Cubs lost that year
  16. R

    Earnie "Mr Cubs" Banks Died

    Oh yeah. I'm a Cubs fan. Not too many to hold on to. To the best of my recollection we went right from September to November in 2003. I have absolutely no memory of an October that year. Was it really that long ago. Yikes.
  17. R

    Dog Subaru commercial

    The creepy Rob Lowe commercials made me think of these. I wonder if a campaign like this by Cessna or Piper would help GA. The French Poodle is my favorite.
  18. R

    Earnie "Mr Cubs" Banks Died

    Some of the best that ever stepped on the field. Mets is still a four letter word in my house.
  19. R

    For Chipotle lovers

    Dang I missed it. Although I assume that was before the Cirrus hit next door.
  20. R

    Earnie "Mr Cubs" Banks Died

    Had Augie not run Harry out of St. Louis, you wouldn't have to be ashamed of that one.