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  1. J

    3rd class Medical and VA disability

    Fearless Tower, thanks for the response... To be totally honest, I think the biggest factor is I'm tired of dealing with bureaucracies.
  2. J

    3rd class Medical and VA disability

    None of my disabilities are disqualifying. But, I realize that I will have to do more tests to show that... And that's where I'm not sure if it is worth it to me.
  3. J

    3rd class Medical and VA disability

    Thanks Mike. That's what I thought... and what I have gathered... I was just looking for a double look. This is where LSA comes into play. But, I'm torn with wanting fly helicopters.
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    3rd class Medical and VA disability

    how does it work if your 100% Va disabled? Do you claim everything on the Va disability?
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    In Texas a pool is a must. I’ve been here on and off since 2000. I finally retired near San Antonio. We like it, but, I’m open to moving. Thus far, no place beats where I live for what I like.
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    Blackfly VTOL ultralight

    Why yes, yes it did. Deployable
  7. J

    Blackfly VTOL ultralight

    It is a great concept that needs to be flushed out. Get it into LSA category and add a ground deplorable charging station and it’s game on.
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    Tips for planning a "long" VFR-only XC

    In NC, their are lots of places to go. When we lived there we were all over the eastern seaboard. Lots to do. Also, night flights are amazing. And at night if you have a plane problem, and you don’t like your off field landing spot. Just turn off the light! Afternoon buildups are mostly...
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    Where to check out planes?

    So no kids? ;-)
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    Which planes fit my mission?

    Would a CTLS work?
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    Is 1-2 days a week enough for flight school?

    First lesson was 8/10/2007. I had a 10 day break, for whatever reason. Then started again on 8/20/2007. My PPL check ride was on 9/27/2007. Often, I did two flights a day, as I’m looking through my log book, I have not flown since 2010! I am suffering from an acute case of nostalgia!!! My...
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    Buying New

    New all the way here, if I could. I could write the planes history. Same with a dog. Puppy vs older inherited one. Yes, new items have warts, but,once they are out of the system, more than likely it will be a great plane. I’m willing to put theory to test if someone is willing to buy me a...
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    Can You Fly a Piper Cub J-3 at Night

    Yes, as long as it meets the above posts requirements. But, I heard they turn into pumpkins 1 hour after Sunset.
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    Nearly half of Americans don't want a self-driving car

    As cars become more efficient or move to electric, the government will need to collect money somehow, thus, they will want all cars to have transmitters on them. Thus, I doubt they will be much of a road block. But, it will happen after most of the baby boomers are gone
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    What is the general state of GA?

    One part of making flying cheaper is reduce the infrastructure costs and increasing availability. An affordable VTOL minivan is the answer.
  16. J

    What is the general state of GA?

    When I owned a plane, many would ask me about it. Several of my friends took lessons of some sort, but, in the end they all moved on, including myself. We are late 30’s and early 40’s. For us, it was the inconvenience of flying. For me owning only happen because it was a Cirrus and state of...
  17. J

    What plane are you daydreaming about today?

    I hear you, but, the darn thing is awesome IMO. 8 sears, beach, camping, adults night out, no problem for this one!
  18. J

    What plane are you daydreaming about today?

    Unfortunately, while I love aviation, the plane I desire most doesn’t not exist. I would love a VTOL minivan.
  19. J

    Thinking about giving up on aviation

    One thing I’m noticing in Texas, is older parent owns the airport, he/she gets older, wants kids help. Kids are not into dads /moms hobby, so they sell it to developers and walk away with money. Happened to 3 private airports within 20 miles of me within the past three years.
  20. J

    Kind of a Sad Commentary About our Young People

    A terrible parent is not one that leaves their kids at home, or let’s them go explore the neighborhood. A terrible parent has fat kids, who are already diabetic as a teenager. Our granny state is butt backwards.