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  1. bluesky74656


    We made the call that we're going to spend the rest of the afternoon battening down the house, get a nights sleep and head north before dawn tomorrow morning. We've got a full tank of gas and food/water/diapers for the journey. It's funny, my wife likes to point out that the longest road trip...
  2. bluesky74656


    I do have a hard cut off set for the drive/fly decision to be made. If the flight is at all doubtful at that point, we'll be on the road with time to spare.
  3. bluesky74656


    I'm sitting in Naples right now staying at my mom's house. She's not here, my family and I are just using the house for the week. We've got a commercial flight booked out of here on Saturday that we don't think will be canceled. That's plan A. Plan B is to take my moms car and drive out. Plan C...
  4. bluesky74656

    Beef Jerky (A Satire)

    I thought the video was going to go X-rated at the pitot tube explanation.
  5. bluesky74656

    Thinking About a Boat

    Oh no! I was using you guys as an example of why my wife should let me buy a boat for our 4 and 2 year old! I can understand them being a handful, that's most of the reason I haven't pulled the trigger already. I can't imagine getting a boat launched or loaded safely while controlling the kids...
  6. bluesky74656

    When do I need to call for practice approaches?

    I generally don't call unless part of the approach puts me in B, C, or D airspace. Since the airport I fly out of is under a Bravo shelf, I generally end up doing a few on my own at an outlying airport, then call up for one or two back to home base.
  7. bluesky74656

    Air work today

    I got an IPC in this morning to shake off the rust. I hadn't flown since August!
  8. bluesky74656

    NA(Hey_Nerds:MVC.Question) as ActionResult = IIF("POA", "Bonanza, "NA")

    I'm working in ASP.NET, and this looks like it so I'm going to assume that's what you're working in. There's some work that the framework is doing for you behind the scenes that ties a URL to a controller action. The convention that it uses when it does that is to let you access the controller...
  9. bluesky74656

    Anyone have a 3d printer?

    Something you might look at: the library downtown has a couple printers you can use for the cost of materials. You might be able to find something similar close to you.
  10. bluesky74656

    Faro headset vs Halo headset

    I've been told the trick is to email him to be put on the unofficial waiting list. I'm not at a point where I can justify replacing my perfectly good D.C. ANR headset, but the Halos are at the top of my list if I ever do.
  11. bluesky74656

    Trump pushing to privatize ATC

    The federal avgas tax hasn't been raised since 1997. Inflation alone means that they are spending more to provide the same level of service, let alone investing in infrastructure upgrades. And I'd much rather they increase the tax than start collecting user fees.
  12. bluesky74656

    Trump pushing to privatize ATC

    I don't mind kicking a few bucks into the system if that's what's needed. I'd just rather they do it by raising the existing AvGas tax rather than coming up with some new fee system. But no one wants to be the guy that voted for a tax increase, so that option isn't on the table.
  13. bluesky74656

    Somebody stop me

    When I used Sheppard, they updated the question list multiple times in the month or two that I used them. It would shock me if they weren't up to date with the latest test questions.
  14. bluesky74656

    What airplane for my mission?

    Given your cargo and mission, why let the legality of a LSA limit you? I hear a 310 can haul a lot of crates. Filled with whatever.
  15. bluesky74656

    Rookie mistake and CRM failure

    I've made the runway heading mistake before. Also taxied out to a runway on only one mag (on my IFR checkride no less). Can't say I forgot it, just didn't turn the key far enough. It's embarassing, but you learned how important it is to double check. Learn and move on.
  16. bluesky74656

    Formation Flying Clinic

    I was thinking 2 hours flying distance and in my own bird. I really just pulled out a number that seemed reasonable, though. My expectation would be that at the end of it I would be safe flying formation at home with another competently trained pilot.
  17. bluesky74656

    Formation Flying Clinic

    I've always wanted to get some real formation training, so I'll give my answers. -I'd travel abouy 2 hours max for a clinic. -Not knowing anything about the market, I'd expect to pay something in the 600-800 dollar range for what you described. That puts it in the "big birthday present" range...
  18. bluesky74656

    Just filed my VFR flight plan....

    Well, I'll tell you one thing: I would not be doing that IFR. :no: If it's good weather go VFR. If it's bad weather go IFR. If it's really bad weather go VFR. That qualifies as really bad.
  19. bluesky74656

    Vectors lesson.

    As I was getting my own "Vectors Lesson" during training, my instructor helped me keep up by making me think through what the controller was trying to accomplish. Which, from the opposite direction, usually resembles just a huge traffic pattern. So, if I'm southwest of the field flying heading...
  20. bluesky74656

    John Glenn hospitalized

    I just saw this video come across my Facebook feed. A news reporter from PBS used a story on the future of aviation as an excuse to go for a ride with his boyhood hero. There's even a bonus Cirrus red handle quip.