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  1. StraightnLevel

    Aviation Etiquette

    Same thing happened to me this morning - TWICE! Two school planes. The first one parked on the main taxiway parallel to the active runway when I was trying to taxi back from getting fuel. Nice. Not terrible, though, I just taxi'd around via the main ramp. Next, I turn off to go to the...
  2. StraightnLevel

    SR22 no chute no injuries

    Reminds me of the reported crash of a small 4-seat "piston jet".
  3. StraightnLevel

    Finally restarted my flying lessons.

    This^^^! It's good to question yourself, but trust that your instructor knows where you are better than you do. If he says you're ready, go have fun!
  4. StraightnLevel

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    Not true. The DPE put me in that position on my PPL checkride intentionally to see if I would use a forward slip. He set up an emergency engine-out scenario to force it; a very small spot where I had too much altitude to land, but not enough to use a 360. This was in a PA28, not a C172, but...
  5. StraightnLevel

    Finally restarted my flying lessons.

    Great analogy!
  6. StraightnLevel

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    You can fix that and limit the glide distance by extending the flaps and performing a forward slip. :stirpot:
  7. StraightnLevel

    Self serve fuel pump etiquette

    Like these guys?
  8. StraightnLevel

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    Thanks for the clarification - I misunderstood the intent.
  9. StraightnLevel

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    Is this documented publicly? This would seem to indicate that they want the pass/fail criteria to be altered to a statistical curve, rather than being firm performance standards. Put another way, it would mean that the DPEs have to apply an altered set of criteria to force a specific pass/fail...
  10. StraightnLevel

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    It is part of the ACS for PPL: PA.IV.M.S7
  11. StraightnLevel

    Forward Slips with Flaps on a Practical Test

    On Friday, my DPE set me up for an emergency landing where the best choice was to use a forward slip with flaps to drop to the only good landing site. This was in a Warrior. Agree with the above, though - find out what this DPE likes.
  12. StraightnLevel

    What size expenses await the person that buys this? (Curious, not trolling)

    So you can throw even more money in it? :biggrin:
  13. StraightnLevel

    What size expenses await the person that buys this? (Curious, not trolling)

    I can't wait to see the responses here, but: If you have to ask the price....
  14. StraightnLevel

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Rest up! Don't let that junk cheat you out of the cert!
  15. StraightnLevel

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    The oral portion was a lot easier than I expected, probably due to my level of over-preparation….but that’s better than the alternative. The flight portion went generally well, with (3) minor caveats: 1) The unusual attitudes this DPE used were BRUTAL - far more intense than anything I got in...
  16. StraightnLevel

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    PPL checkride complete and passed. Feel like I need to sleep for a week....
  17. StraightnLevel

    If you left your 182 in a Marne, Michigan cornfield, the FAA would like to speak to you

    I think he hit the silk so he wouldn’t buy the farm. His post-landing taxi pattern is pretty rough, too - it looks like a maize. I’m sure he’ll be able to harvest an insurance settlement - he’s an expert in this field!
  18. StraightnLevel

    Why switched grounds?

    That's only part of the reason. More to the point, you don't want to have different ground impedances for different devices, particularly avionics. Ground is the "universal" voltage reference, so you want each and every device to have the lowest possible impedance (resistance) to ground, so...
  19. StraightnLevel

    Oshkosh: Mosaic for Private and Sport Pilots session on Wed

    Imagine someone in a LSA over Chicago who has a sudden problem. Where are they going to go? ORD? MDW? They're not going into Lake Michigan.... Now you've got a LSA at best glide of, say, 62 knots slowly trundling along under a declared emergency right into one of the busiest airport areas...