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  1. Archimago

    Protected Phrases (AC 91-92)

    Thanks all for the replies! I think I've got the idea now.
  2. Archimago

    Protected Phrases (AC 91-92)

    Does anyone know what the term "protected phrases" means in context to AC 91-92? "7.1 Preflight Actions. As part of the preflight familiarization with all available information concerning a flight, each pilot should review all appropriate sources (including but not limited to Chart Supplements...
  3. Archimago

    Comanche traffic pattern speeds

    I am curious about the traffic pattern speeds for downwind,base,and final for a Piper Comanche 180. Thanks.
  4. Archimago

    Who is “The Administrator” in regs

    Ah that helped. I dug around and found 183.1 and 183.11 which helped me get some specific examples, I have a clearer picture now.
  5. Archimago

    Who is “The Administrator” in regs

    Does anyone know who they are referring to in the cfr’s when they reference Administrators (usually capitalized)
  6. Archimago

    Cdi deflected

    Our best guess is that we had left the speaker (magnet) over it when we canted the dash to access the radio stack from above. It’s working now very weird
  7. Archimago

    Cdi deflected

  8. Archimago

    Cdi deflected

    After having a dme serviced, my CDI for Nav one stays fully deflected to right no matter what obs setting or whether power was off or on. I tried to gently tap it with power off and it swung center and the swung fully deflected to the left and is now stuck left. I am guessing it is tied to...
  9. Archimago

    Required reporting points

    So I am looking for the letter of the law so to speak (training). If I am in a hold, announce that I am, and then while in this hold I ask for another approach in which the fix for the hold is also a fix in the approach I want to fly next. I get cleared to fly to this fix, an altitude, and a...
  10. Archimago

    Required reporting points

    In the aim 5-3-3 g. When leaving any assigned holding fix or point. if my missed approach includes a hold. After I contact ATC and let them know I have gone missed and my intentions and they clear me to do a different approach, do I still need to also tell them when I am leaving the hold or is...
  11. Archimago

    Finding a non GPS IAF into KSNS

    Good to know. That approach is going to be on my instrument cross country hopefully soon
  12. Archimago

    Finding a non GPS IAF into KSNS

    I do have dme, but I don’t have gps.
  13. Archimago

    Finding a non GPS IAF into KSNS

    Oops I meant 180... math hurts sometimes.
  14. Archimago

    Finding a non GPS IAF into KSNS

    I am not sure but I thought you could not navigate along radials that are used to identify fixes unless they indicate a minimum ifr altitude and distance—transition routes for example
  15. Archimago

    Finding a non GPS IAF into KSNS

    So to recap the dme arc is left over from a time when the IAF coincided with a route (now decommissioned). So coming from the south there is no way to find this IAF without gps. Coming from the north it would not make sense to fly out on the radial (plus it’s not indicated as a transition)to the...
  16. Archimago

    Finding a non GPS IAF into KSNS

    I don't have ADF but do have DME. If I get cleared for SNS, how would I turn to go outbound? I see the procedure turn that brings me inbound but how would I turn the nearly 360 ish degrees at SNS to get me out to turn back in. If I went to SNS, what is the purpose of the DME arc? Sorry, student...
  17. Archimago

    Finding a non GPS IAF into KSNS

    HI all, If I wanted to fly the ILS 31 for Salinas approaching from the south (chart below), How would I identify and fly to the IAF which doesn't coincide with the enroute structure and is unnamed? Thanks
  18. Archimago

    Radio bleed

    I am starting to notice that i am getting a faint sound from one com radio channel bleeding through when other channel is selected. Ie. I faintly hear the Asos from channel 1 while monitoring channel 2 and even if I switch it around I can still her it faintly on channel 2. Yesterday I noticed...
  19. Archimago

    Actual holding pattern entry.

    and for quicker right turns, i swivel my hand for more lift.
  20. Archimago

    Actual holding pattern entry.

    Actually all of the above but without any of the cool tools. I have a very very basic IFR platform with no GPS. And I have to pass my IFR so I don't want to pick up bad technique... at least until after the checkride...JK.