Hello Gig, welcome to PoA.
I used to live in El Dorado ever so long ago. I took my first airplane ride standing in the baggage area of a Cessna 150 at the downtown airport. Is the spudnut shop still in business?
Unbelievable. I've done four poker runs and received the worst hand award in three of them. That's just pathetic! :D
Thanks for letting me play in absentia.
Hi Jay,
Welcome!! You can find out more about the fly-in here.
Looks like a cool hotel. Maybe we can meet this summer. I'll be peddling through North Liberty for RAGBRAI.
Welcome to the PoA board!!!! Tell us a little about yourself.
By the way, some of the best contributors and best pilots here aren't fellers at all!! I might suggest "fellers and gals" or something equivalent. :D
Welcome to PoA. We're glad you found us. I haven't had the chance to fly a Zodiac XLi but I hear great things about them. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Keep us posted on your progress and join in the fray!!
I have no complaints on their service over the last several months. I wonder how much of that is due to changes at L-M and how much is due a reduced work load because so many pilots are using fltplan.com or other online service?
Now that there is funny!
Glad to hear you're conscious and stabilized. That was a hell of a selfless act Nick. Your friend owes you big time. Get better soon.
Good grief!!!! That's horrible. Please send our best wishes to Nick. He is in our thoughts. If you get a chance to give us an update on Nick's condition we would really appreciate it.
(Moved to Hangar Talk)
If I had just come into a windfall I'd use the money to take a trip to the gas station, but that's just me. :D
You guys will have fun not matter where you decide to go!
When I went for my CFI ride the examiner couldn't find and entry for the most recent annual in my prop log. He took the logs to the FSDO "expert" who found the wording in the airframe logbook (or maybe it was the engine log, I can't remember) to be sufficient. I can't remember now the exact...