Search results

  1. Jeff Creamer

    Foreflight and AP

    I use Foreflight for VFR navigation in my C172K. We would like to install an autopilot with alt control and, at some time in the future, install an IFR GPS unit. Is there an autopilot such as the TruTrak that will couple with foreflight? What is the least expensive way to go regarding a GPS unit...
  2. Jeff Creamer

    GPS question

    In short, yes, I got an answer. In retrospect, I would have asked in a little different manner. I am a student pilot that is nearing check ride time. I’ve never flown in a plane with a panel mount GPS and after using Fore Flight (be sure to spell it out - FF means flight following ) it seemed...
  3. Jeff Creamer

    GPS question

    i have seen an abundance of different gps models. I have not flown a plane with a built in gps, only with an iPad. What is the difference between flying with FF on an iPad vs say a Garmin 430/530? Other than the fact they are built in to the panel and have an included comm.
  4. Jeff Creamer

    Is this all worth it?

    I don't even have my license yet. In fact I just completed my second cross country this week. But I will tell you my experience. The beginning was not fun. Going out to the practice field and doing turns, stalls, etc. made me seriously reconsider my decision. But, when I finished my solo I...
  5. Jeff Creamer

    Knocked out my solo today!

    This is so true. My little C172 was at 400 ft by the time I reached the intersection of the runways. Usually I'm just off the ground by then! I climbed to pattern altitude very quickly. It's funny you should say that though. My instructor is a big person but not really overweight. He told...
  6. Jeff Creamer

    Knocked out my solo today!

    what an amazing feeling to take her up all by myself. The crazy part is that I wasn’t even a little nervous. I started almost a year ago. But due to my fathers health and subsequent passing my training has been very sporadic. I just want to say thank you for all the information I have gleaned...
  7. Jeff Creamer

    Appaero Stratus Power

    Idaho can you give me some in-site into how you did this? I have a c172k and the cigarette lighter is on the far right passenger side so charging cords are all across the cockpit. I would love to have a charging port on the pilot side. Thanks in advance.
  8. Jeff Creamer

    iPad with cellular question

    No data plan. It was on a plan with Verizon.
  9. Jeff Creamer

    New windshield and headliner

    I didn't ask about the rivets vs screws. The hours quoted did include the headliner.
  10. Jeff Creamer

    New windshield and headliner

    Thanks guys. I ordered a Great Lakes windshield with his approval and knowledge. Again, not trying to be cheap, I just don’t have anything to compare to. I can afford it. But like everyone, I don’t want to be taken advantage of.
  11. Jeff Creamer

    iPad with cellular question

    Thanks guys. Very helpful. JC
  12. Jeff Creamer

    New windshield and headliner

    I have a Cessna 172K and have purchased a new windshield and headliner for it. My A&P guy quoted 30-40 hours and says they have to pull the panel to install the windshield. He asked for $3k as a down payment. I don’t want to be cheap and I greatly value what these guys do. But sometimes it...
  13. Jeff Creamer

    iPad with cellular question

    im about to,purchase a used iPad mini 4 that has cellular ability through Verizon. I’m not interested in a service plan - just want the benefit of the gps. Do I have to remove the Verizon component for it to work? I’ll be using FF.