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  1. midcap

    "it rolled over chocks and became airborne"

    That's the good thing about being out of shape, no way in hell my fat butt would have chased an airplane on the loose
  2. midcap

    FAA required tests after unexplained Loss of Consciousness

    yeah no lie. I'd like to be a fly on that wall for the appointment
  3. midcap

    FAA required tests after unexplained Loss of Consciousness

    we gonna need a time machine to get that data
  4. midcap

    FAA required tests after unexplained Loss of Consciousness

    Are you really sure you blacked out? I am being serious, because every person I have witnessed that really blacked out, normally aren't physically able to land an airplane.
  5. midcap

    Vision Jet Chute pull for the win

    doesn't all airplanes technically have auto land? I don't think we left on up there yet.
  6. midcap

    Can I take my neurocognitive battery before I go to the physical?

    Do you know anyone with legit ADHD? They literally can't drive a golf cart with out wrecking :eek:
  7. midcap

    Getting a 1st Class Medical after ADHD medicine trial in 2015

    I know a certain pharmacy that compounds adderrall with Dimenhydrinate to treat sea sickness, and I mean like when it's 3-5s out there. I have never taken it, but I know it exist
  8. midcap

    Getting a 1st Class Medical after ADHD medicine trial in 2015

    The problem with doing what you are thinking about doing is that at anytime anyone that knows about the situation can drop a dime to the FAA and no more flying for you. IMO FAA needs to address the AHDH issue. should be 5 years off meds...have at it hoss
  9. midcap

    Can I take my neurocognitive battery before I go to the physical?

    yep god forbid your momma put you on adderrall when you was in 7th grade because you were grades were slippin because you all of a sudden were interested in girls.
  10. midcap

    Can I take my neurocognitive battery before I go to the physical?

    dang right! keep up the good fight!
  11. midcap

    Can I take my neurocognitive battery before I go to the physical?

    Good luck Op. The FAA should really update their stance on ADHD diag giving how much it was thrown around to millenials. Seems to me if you have not taken any meds for years and your driving record is fine, you should be GTG.
  12. midcap

    Vision Jet Chute pull for the win

    of all the chute pulls, what % involves loss of flight controls and pilot incapacitation? just being curious.
  13. midcap

    Vision Jet Chute pull for the win

    same here in south LA. You need to look at the radar and weather
  14. midcap

    Misdiagnosed bipolar on meds beyond the 6 month cutoff?

    I know a few guys, not pilots that take SSRIs to fix their minute man syndrome. there are a few peer reviewed papers out on it
  15. midcap

    Misdiagnosed bipolar on meds beyond the 6 month cutoff?

    so you were smoking so much weed the doc thought you were Bi polar? damn son
  16. midcap

    Vision Jet Chute pull for the win

  17. midcap

    FAA required tests after unexplained Loss of Consciousness

    are you sure your eye's weren't just closed from the stress?
  18. midcap

    Vision Jet Chute pull for the win

    I assume the Pilot didn't see that giant red blob of weather at the other air port prior to departure?
  19. midcap

    Money not being a deciding factor...210 vs Cherokee 6/toga

    It's so bothersome to travel commercial to the places I go. none of the commercial flights I take regularly are more than 2 hours. But You have to get to the air port 2 hours prior, the airport is 1 hour from the house, then when you land etc. so a 2 hour flight turns in to a 8 hour ordeal. Not...