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    eman is not very smart, but he does deserve ice cream

    Actual instrument flying doesn't necessarily correlate well with what's on the written, so enjoy your ice cream. But fly carefully...
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    Talk me in or out of buying a Cherokee 235 (described below)

    I'd look at an older 182 for your mission and budget.
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    Have you built any aviation related items?

    I was thinking it would be cool to DIY or build some aviation related items on those rainy days I can't fly. Have you built anything cool that's aviation related?
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    Favorite LiveATC frequency

    Do you have a favorite?
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    Windshield Cleaner

    Been using it for 10 years. Best I've found.
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    Flight Bag Recommendations

    That's what I use. It works great, not too big, and reasonably priced. Got mine at Staples.
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    Cessna 182 vs 177

    I agree with Steingar. Flown both. IMO, the 182 might be the best all-around single piston plane ever built. It will probably be my retirement plane.
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    Cessna wing root vents won't close

    The cheapest way to get those to seal better is to wrap the "can" part with the soft loop side of self stick velcro. It gives enough grip to keep them from sliding and blocks leaks, but they're still easy to pull in and out and twist around... as long as there aren't rivets in the way :-)
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    I'm new and I,m old and this is my first post. My name is Bob and I live in Maine and Florida. Look2

    My WAG for a good job by a respected shop will be in the $15,000-$20,000 range in that geographic area.
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    The "Ruby" saga...aka 'Hey, where's my plane?'

    I am also surprised you flew the plane with damaged prop tips. Seems like a prop strike incident to me, and I'd also wonder about the engine. I wouldn't have flown it without an IA's approval, which I doubt I would get. Glad you made it back OK.
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    Flew an SR 22 today

    I'm 5' 7". I think that the Cirrus is more comfortable for tall people because of the way the seats move up as they slide forward. Short people need the seat further forward and that moves the seat up towards the bottom of the panel. If I slide it back to clear my knees, I can't reach the...
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    Flew an SR 22 today

    I fly a 2016 SR-22 from time to time. It's a beautiful plane, and certainly being new is a terrific thing, but I just don't like the way it handles. It's got a stiff mechanical feel to me. I also think the seats are hard, and my knees hit the bottom of the panel. It's slick, fast, and looks...
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    How far do you lean while on the ground before takeoff

    This is John Deakin's philosophy. It makes sense to me, and what I do.
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    Bow down to your Russian overlords

    I wonder what we're doing to them.
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    Giving the Air Force one last shot - ANG Pilot

    Thanks. Wish I was younger (for lots of reasons):)
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    Apple Cider vinegar

    I'm pretty sure pepcid is allowed:
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    Giving the Air Force one last shot - ANG Pilot

    I'm way too old, but was wondering what the civilian pilot qualifications are to have a shot at this?
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    Stuff needed for a hangar

    I don't see any beer in this picture.
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    Password manager question

    I have been looking at the popular password mangers like Lastpass, Dashlane, and Password1. The websites haven't helped me be able to figure out if my wife and I both need separate accounts or we can share one. Many, but not all of the sites we visit are the same with the same password. We would...
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    Aspen discount

    I question the overall reliability of the Aspens. My friend went through 5 of them, and there are many reports of failures on multiple aviation forums. They were revolutionary when they came out, but now are outdated. They need to come out with an updated competitive product. I probably...