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  1. C

    $200 Hamburger Suggestions in ATL Area

    The Beacon Drive In in Spartanburg, SC is a hoot (kind of like the Varsity next to Georgia Tech - but better [IMHO]). Not on the airport (KSPA) - but not too far away. Otherwise, as others have said, the Runway Cafe at Greeneville Muni. Dave
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    Home color printer recomendation

    This is an update to my earlier post about my HP All In One Inkjet Printer. Well, the old HP did finally die - it came down with a case of "Ink System Failure" that I could not resolve. After giving the matter some thought, I decided to try a laser printer. While I would print something in...
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    Craigslist Scams

    Because there are some screaming bargains to be had - if you know exactly what you want, and get there first! Dave
  4. C

    Hangar Winch in concrete floor

    If you want to do it as cheap as possible, one of these: will do the job. The one I have was from Harbor Freight - but they don't sell that model any more. I can testify that a 220 Lb capacity hoist is entirely adequate for a...
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    Hangar Winch in concrete floor

    When I faced that problem I used a Harbor Freight hoist (because I had it sitting around) - and mounted it to the back wall (hangar was wood frame with exposed studs). I just attached a length of suitably-sized water pipe across two studs, using pipe clamps and lag bolts. Then I attached the...
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    [NA] Battery Longevity

    I happen to think you would be better off getting rid of the pickup and buying a utility trailer. I have one I bought about 40 years ago (from a guy who built them in his back yard). Steel frame, plywood sides and bed. I finally replaced the wood a few years ago, and the tires last year. Other...
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    Bicyclist rant

    I have seen three abreast several times. Most recently was about a week ago when I encountered a group of three deliberately hogging the road. This was out in the country on a State Highway. The road was curvy and had a double yellow line. Not really a problem because traffic was light - but...
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    Don't try this at home!

    Interesting - but problems that I am unlikely to ever face. Camera work in the first video left something to be desired. I rode in an amphibious floatplane once (for a very short flight) - and that was not without problems. It had a sticky brake on landing, with taxiing requiring a helper to...
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    Stinging Insect Rant

    Locals on the shore of Lake Erie used to refer to those bugs as "Canadian Soldiers" (an invading army, for sure). I went to a church camp there one summer, and they were everywhere. I saw an old photo of an infestation where the ground was covered deep enough to plow (like snow). Dave
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    Motorcycle Rant

    You probably won't be riding it on your Harley, but it looks as though the longest straight section of road is in Saudi Arabia at 140 miles: I would have guessed the Eyre Highway which crosses the Nullarbor plain in...
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    HDTV indoor antenna?

    FWIW I settled on one of these: and am quite happy with it. I wanted both VHF HI and UHF channels, and this one provides it. Mine is outside - on a vent pipe mount on the roof of the house. The number of channels received changes...
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    ‘68 C182L Door Handle

    Good idea. Years ago I had the same problem - and eventually found a new replacement handle. It wasn't cheap - but nowhere near $800. I will use your solution if it happens again.
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    Video of emergency landing, lucky pilot walks away Upland, CA 6.24.2020

    Considering the violent conclusion of the flight, the plane held together amazingly well. Anybody know the make/model? Dave
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    Flapping cowl flap

    At least he didn't lose it - so likely it can be repaired and re-used. Years ago I lost one in flight. I was fortunate to find a new one in a parts seller's inventory. It wasn't cheap. What happens is that the hinge pin works its way out from vibration. They should be safety wired - and mine...
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    Other drivers....

    What nobody seems to realize is that this problem is due as much to stupid road design as to driver stupidity (there is plenty of both). What I mean is that having an onramp abruptly crammed into a high speed traffic lane makes no sense at all. What is needed is an extended merging lane (as in...
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    Talk to me about Seattle....

    Not exactly pertinent to this thread, but when I was in Scotland years ago I thought it odd that some people there didn't bother with rain gear (they just got wet!). Dave
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    Talk to me about Seattle....

    Yup. I have known natives who left because they were "Sick and Tired of All The Rain". For myself. I was fortunate to have been stationed in that area when in the military - and it happened to be over the summer (which was fine). Did about half my flight training and took my checkride there...
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    Foreign Flight Training

    Thanks to all who replied. Dave
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    Reply/Post ONLY with Movie Quotes

    "There are four ways to do things: The Right Way, The Wrong Way, The Navy's Way, and MY Way!"
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    Did you catch it ?

    Thanks for the info. returning to my original question, I came across this today: It may be a partial answer to the puzzle. Dave