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  1. Theboys

    Interesting Proposition

    Wouldn't mind the 337 myself!
  2. Theboys

    Swimming pool? Considering one in backyard

    I have a pool in Florida and buddy has one here in Nebraska that he just bought few months ago. Mine in Florida is concrete and his in Nebraska is vinyl liner. He just had new liner put in pool and the guys said the average pool is 65000. I think my concrete one is Florida may be little cheaper...
  3. Theboys

    #OSH17 Jambalaya & Chili at Camp Bacon

    I'll second that! The chilli wasn't shabby either.
  4. Theboys

    What competes with the Piper Malibu?

    Insurance people want you to take initial training and recurrent every year. I think the Malibu flys like a warrior. Just faster. Got my ifr in a warrior and to me they feel the same at slower speeds. I probably felt pretty good flying it after 50 hrs or so. I had flown it probably 35 hrs...
  5. Theboys

    What competes with the Piper Malibu?

    I own a pa46 so I know what mine costs to own and operate. To own a jetprop or meridian would not be more to own but twice to three times cost to purchase. I have looked in to tbm and talked to several mechanics I use who annual (work on) tbm's. They run 3 to 4 times cost to maintain from what I...
  6. Theboys

    What competes with the Piper Malibu?

    Floridapilot. Your comparison pits a piston versus turbine. If you are going to do that compare the Tbm to a jetprop. The jetprop specs and cost per mile will be much better than the tbm. Shorter takeoff and landing. No phase checks. Cheaper repairs. Friend has tbm and is always complaining...
  7. Theboys

    What competes with the Piper Malibu?

    I've had a Malibu for several years. Hard to beat.
  8. Theboys

    NARDO Ag operations at municipal airport

    I see these guys all the time. Have seen 3 land at same time from different ends on two runways and race to the tanker. They get nosebleeds above hundred ft I'm thinking. They get paid well only when spraying.
  9. Theboys

    My engine quit on touchdown tonight (input from Cirrus pilots welcomed)

    I have to have recurrent training every year for my pressurized plane. When we did a engine out sim couple months ago my trainer kept wanting to blip the throttle with little power ever so often. I asked what she was doing and she said the engine will foul if you don't when you have at idle on...
  10. Theboys

    My engine quit on touchdown tonight (input from Cirrus pilots welcomed)

    My plane died turning off runway yesterday also. Hasn't done that in quite awhile. Started right up. I had just done a very fast base and final at basically idle so figured it was that. Tower asked me to maintain speed as long as possible so I was close to 200 kts turning final and high. Had to...
  11. Theboys

    Anyone a Franchisee?

    Run and don't look back!
  12. Theboys

    Step up altitude in ifr?

    Ended up not being any big deal. I filed direct at 10000. After my first denver center contact they amended direct to closest vor, then the airport. Flew that until almost Greeley and just asked higher. She said I needed to eventually be at least 15000. Told her I was ready for 16000. After 20...
  13. Theboys

    Step up altitude in ifr?

    I'd rather be in 20's if winds weren't so darn bad tomorrow. Will hopefully be blowing same way on way back...but that never happens!
  14. Theboys

    Step up altitude in ifr?

    I jumped up over moa's several times when they want to divert me around at lower altitude. That's never a big deal. Didn't figure this would be either. Didn't know how much info the strip gives them
  15. Theboys

    Step up altitude in ifr?

    Ive never been in a position where I wanted to file for a lower altitude for winds, but need more altitude on 2nd half of trip. I want to file 8000 for first hr plus then go to 16 or more. Can I just put the point I would like to climb in remarks section when I file or just ask for higher...
  16. Theboys

    Ever fly with plane overloaded? Experiences?

    I was told once or twice the way they come up with gross weight is to load a plane until it starts to lose altitude at a set speed with no additional power or trim. Course that could be wrong :)
  17. Theboys

    The Cessna 205

    Having flown a 205 for several years I'd say they are a fantastic plane. Same speed and fuel burn as a 182 or really close. I've had one with 4 people to 17000 ft. Nothing but good things to say for one and the 260hp is perfect for the plane. Has great takeoff and climb. If you can find one you...
  18. Theboys

    For Sale Accelerated Instrument Training - Fall 2017

    Several people on this board have trained with Scott, myself included. Great guy and good training.
  19. Theboys

    What was your Sun n' Fun 2017 highlight?

    Think mine might have been a test flight for hour and half in the diamond da62. It was pretty nice.
  20. Theboys

    I didn't know Malibu's were this impressive.

    My Malibu useful is right at 1400 lbs.