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  1. eetrojan

    Display Names: What is it good for?

    I agree. Regards, eetrojan
  2. eetrojan

    Display Names: What is it good for?

    Yes, yes it has. Thank the lord for junk mail filters. PS. How come I'm not a "POA Supporter" anymore? Did I miss a payment? Never mind. I see that I missed the cash call. Now I'm a deadbeat and...
  3. eetrojan

    Display Names: What is it good for?

    It's good for confusing idiots like me into permanently exposing my email address by making me think that only my "display name" would be displayed to others. :(
  4. eetrojan

    Roger, Wilco Over and Out...

    This just doesn't seem that important to me, but maybe I'm missing something. Can you think of a dangerous miscommunication that flows from the listener understanding that Roger mean "ok" even if the speaker is using Roger to mean "yes"? If not, what's wrong with Roger meaning "ok" or "yes,"...
  5. eetrojan

    What if Transient Parking is Full?

    Thanks all!
  6. eetrojan

    What if Transient Parking is Full?

    I'm embarrassed to ask, but if you fly into an airport, what's a good "Plan B" if all the transient spots are occupied? (other than flying away, ha). What's the etiquette here? Find a vacant patch of dirt next to the paved ramp? Towered vs. non-towered? Thanks!
  7. eetrojan

    Which wind data to use for flight plan in future

    I ignore the wind issue because it seems like false precision. I just estimate my climb rate at 500 ft/min and my ground speed as equal to my V speed to get a distance for TOC. Is that wrong? I welcome competing opinions, but that seems good enough on getting some situational awareness of where...
  8. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    OK, I think we've beat this horse past its prime and it's time for a little levity. Remember this from a few months ago? I wonder if the owner of these many falcons studied the contract of carriage, or if he just spoke to a customer service rep? Do you think any of these fowl passengers...
  9. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    I suspect it's a bit of both.
  10. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    Sorry, posting while working. I meant that somebody upstream of the gate/plane area (e.g. an agent on the phone before he bought his older kid a separate ticket home), and by "flight crew" I meant the gate agents and/or flight attendants to the extent they work together on the passenger list...
  11. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    Do you know this for sure? If not, another possibility is the seat in 18yr old son #1's name was checked in by the two parents in order to use it for 1 yr. old son #3 (possibly with the full knowledge and express OK of a Delta employee), and even shown to the plucker when boarding, but the...
  12. eetrojan

    My first (and hopefully last) "possible pilot deviation"

    The pilot/controller glossary in the AIM says the "movement area" requires approval to enter at a towered airport, and that the "non-movement area" is not under the control of air traffic. At SMO, after entering the movement area and taxiing toward the runup, you must leave the movement area to...
  13. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    OK, but we'll have to agree to disagree on the ******* label. I really think such a label is more applicable to the "professional" flight attendant who asserted that unless he gave up the seat he and his wife would put in jail and their children would be put in foster care. As probably noted...
  14. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    A third possibility is he bought a separate ticket to get the 18 yr old home and then handed all three boarding passes associated with the prior three tickets to the plucker and sat three family members in three seats, all in reliance on the OK of a prior Delta representative.
  15. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    And then you would call Delta and say, "I have my teenage son's unused boarding pass, so please refund my money?"
  16. eetrojan

    United Airlines customer service

    While I realize it's just 100% pure speculation on your part that the father intended to defraud the airlines, how exactly would that work?
  17. eetrojan

    How can I record Cockpit Video & Audio with iPhone

    Darn. Out of curiosity, is the Pilot USA cable connected directly to the iPhone, or via an adapter cable?
  18. eetrojan

    Butter in coffee

    I love this thing, and I keep telling myself that not going to Starbucks pays for it:
  19. eetrojan

    ForeFlight (?) + iPAD with audable ALT and other alerts?

    Haha. I just checked my FF settings, saw that audio alerts is on, and was stupidly wondering why I never hear them. I failed the IQ test.
  20. eetrojan

    Renter's Insurance / Insight / Opinion / Rants / Recomendations?

    My thoughts are if the club negligently prepared a rental agreement that incorrectly said you were covered by the insurance, it would merely give you a claim against the club, not inhibit the insurance company from doing whatever it normally would.