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  1. eetrojan

    Flying straight in at uncontrolled field?

    Dave, you may well be right, but I have a few observations that leave me unsure: FAR 91.126(b)(1) says a pilot must make turns to the left “unless the airport displays approved light signals or visual markings indicating that turns should be made to the right, in which case the pilot must make...
  2. eetrojan

    Flying straight in at uncontrolled field?

    Hi Dave, I absolutely see what you’re thinking. In fact, I make this same mental picture. Still, I suspect our mental image works because the two indicators point to the same side almost all the time, by coincidence, rather than because the FAA intended the indicators be used together in...
  3. eetrojan

    Flying straight in at uncontrolled field?

    Hi Dave, I think I figured it out. It's just a matter of adjusting your viewpoint. In your Monday post, you said: And, you annotated the figure like this: Respectfully, however, I think your misinterpreting this diagram. I don't believe the circled indicator means you should make a right...
  4. eetrojan

    Flying straight in at uncontrolled field?

    Same here on having been taught that the indication relates to required turn direction for the base leg as opposed to required turn direction for departure. I've never heard it stated like this, but that sure sounds logical and correct to me.
  5. eetrojan

    Flying straight in at uncontrolled field?

    Hi Dave - Just FYI, here's another. This one is at KRNM (Ramona Airport) in SoCal. It was the destination for my first student solo which is why I looked it up: I don't have all that much experience and may well be wrong, but if I were doing "closed traffic" pattern work at this airport...
  6. eetrojan

    Flying straight in at uncontrolled field?

    I don't follow the logic. Doesn't it make sense to have a traffic pattern indicator even for the standard situation of left turns? i.e. so finding it confirms the field is standard and you don't have the nagging feeling you didn't find the traffic pattern indicator?
  7. eetrojan

    OK reg mavens, where in part 61/91 is the Jessica DuBroff rule?

    It's a law, not a regulation. In other words, it's not in the regulations promulgated by the agency pursuant to the code. It's actually in Title 49 of the US Code: 49 U.S. Code § 44724 ps Circling back - Since it arguably required terms to...
  8. eetrojan

    Trolls against GA

    "18.36 pounds of CO2 per gallon Aviation Gasoline" This doesn't sound right in that 6 lbs of one thing shouldn't produce 18.36 lbs of another. Am I missing something? Edit - Perhaps each molecule of carbon that comes from the carbon-based fuel combines with two molecules of oxygen during...
  9. eetrojan

    Trimming down the checklist

    Here's a little re-formatting: OLD RUNUP CHECKLIST NEW RUNUP CHECKLIST =============================== ========================= PARK BRAKE: -set- Set Parking Brake FUEL SLCTR: -desired tank- Select Fuel Tank FLIGHT CNTRLS: -check-...
  10. eetrojan

    That Guy...

    Isn't that what the cell-phone-pick-up-zone is for?
  11. eetrojan

    A good plane. Bad broker. My first experience trying to buy a plane.

    So, the buyer normally agree on price from a remote location based on the photos and related description within an online ad to show seriousness, takes a test flight, and has a professional inspection, and then adjusts down or cancels based on the inspection? Is that normal? As a future...
  12. eetrojan

    AOPA, EAA and others oppose announced ATC privatization

    According to this article, "Funding for air-traffic control would shift from the collection of taxes on fuel and airline tickets to a user-fee model that would be established by a 13-member board." As I interpret the result of that, each ticket will probably bear a user-fee supplement of some...
  13. eetrojan

    The FBO asked me: "Why are pilots so cheap"

    Interesting. all of the non-towered airports and towered deltas I've been to, and exited the plane, have had an unmanned gate next to the transient parking with the secret code to get back in on the secure side of the gate. However, I've only been to a few dozen airports in my short time of...
  14. eetrojan

    Big landslide in Big Sur

    I like turtles, and California.
  15. eetrojan

    The FBO asked me: "Why are pilots so cheap"

    How many towered, delta class airports restrict entry and exit via an FBO? Is that common?
  16. eetrojan

    8500-8, DUI & BAC

    Alan,I thought your first post meant you got your medical, but given your second post, it seems pretty clear you did not. What do you mean by "green light letter?" Some sort of special issuance with hoops to jump through? Something else?
  17. eetrojan

    My longest flight so far.

    Fun to read. Thanks!
  18. eetrojan

    Checkride Fiasco

    On this part, congratulations! Joe