Search results

  1. ColoPilot

    Kitchen oven problems

    Time for the bush fix. Pack the relay contacts with tin foil, wrap it all in electrical tape, add some duct tape on top for good measure and put it back together. When you want to use the oven, you flip the breaker on, oven heats (probably to 1000 deg). When you're done with the oven, flip...
  2. ColoPilot

    sep14, ‘21 TFR Colorado

    He's going to NREL I heard (National Renewable Energy Lab).
  3. ColoPilot

    East Coast: Fun destinations for a toddler?

    No specific recommendations for the area, but don't overlook simple destinations and activities. Even a playground with different equipment than their normal playground is exciting for a 5 year old. Or just having a picnic in the grass near the runway.
  4. ColoPilot

    [rant]True crime television

    I skimmed it quickly -- something about the gym, watching shows, and attractive women. I assume Sac wants to watch porn at the gym.
  5. ColoPilot

    Kitchen oven problems

    Are the top and bottom elements the same? Can you swap them and see if the problem moves with the element?
  6. ColoPilot

    [N/A] Using a property as an AirBnB

    Doing a quick rough numbers: Mortgage $400/month (P&I, taxes) HOA $400/month (no idea what it really is, the listing doesn't say, this is just an average for a mountain condos) Other -- $100/month? for utilities, insurance, etc That's $10,800/year. If you rent for $120, you probably get...
  7. ColoPilot

    [N/A] Using a property as an AirBnB

    I have a tiny ski condo that is on the slopes and have rented it with a management company and on my own, but we don't rent anymore. There has been a lot of good information on management companies, maintenance, etc so I won't rehash that. I can add specifics on renting a ski property. First...
  8. ColoPilot

    How much solar/battery is needed

    Does the house that is there have electrical service? Would it be worth it to keep that service for the pump (and the giant garage\shop you'll want to build on the lot eventually)?
  9. ColoPilot

    Garage upgrade project complete!

    What kind of flooring is that?
  10. ColoPilot

    Garage upgrade project complete!

    I would post a picture of my garage, but Rudy might get envious of my Hyundai and probably won't leave me alone until I trade him for one of the those European cars in his garage.
  11. ColoPilot

    NOTAM Kabul

    Any terrorist under the pattern, please advise.
  12. ColoPilot

    Leaded gas and the it comes

    Do you have more information about that study and the issues with it? The anti-airport groups around here have been using that study to advocate shutting down airports (along with other tactics) and it would be nice to have something to refute it.
  13. ColoPilot

    Is passport renewal getting any better?

    I just renewed my kid's passport today at the local post office and the clerk said they're being told by the passport office that it will take 18 weeks unless you pay the expedite fee. We'll see how long it takes...
  14. ColoPilot

    Microsoft Flight Simmer takes a real flight lesson

    Great write-up, thanks for sharing. Why did the CFI handle the take-off and landings entirely? I remember my first lessons doing the take-offs and landings (with CFI assisting of course -- especially the landings). Was it planned as sight-seeing flight or an actual flight lesson?
  15. ColoPilot

    N/A Car for step son, looking for suggestions N/A

    With the way used car prices are lately, you might want to consider new -- something like a base model stick-shift Hyundai Accent would be around 16K, and he would have a new car with 10 year 100,000 mile warranty that gets 40MPG. If he takes care of it, it could last a decade or more. The...
  16. ColoPilot

    Towered class E airports

    But now the "tower" and controllers could be outsourced to a foreign call center where labor is cheaper! Seriously, I'm not sure what the savings are. Maybe there is a way one set of controllers could handle 2 airports that by themselves don't justify a tower? Although, I'd be surprised if...
  17. ColoPilot

    Towered class E airports

    I agree -- it's unusual and since the airport airspace doesn't show up on the charts, I bet a lot of pilots transition through it without realizing they were supposed to contact the tower. I think the charts should have some way to depict the area.
  18. ColoPilot

    Towered class E airports

    And a little more background on KFNL -- it's a "remote tower" where the controllers aren't in a tower, but sit in a trailer and use cameras on a mast near the runway to sequence traffic. I also don't think they have a radar feed from DIA like KBJC and KAPA do.
  19. ColoPilot

    Towered class E airports

    They sort of have airspace like class D -- you need to have contact with the tower if you are within 4 miles of the airport and below 2500 feet. I'm sure someone will find the actual FAR. Edit (I found the FAR): § 91.127 Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class E airspace. ...
  20. ColoPilot

    Here we go again. More accidents in Colorado (updated title)

    I thought the incident yesterday by Boulder was a skydiver's death? Was there also a plane crash? And the noise abatement groups also read POA to get accident stories to spread their fear.