Search results

  1. ColoPilot

    Denver Colorado Area

    Since you don't need an office in the metro area, I would take a look at keeping your Bonanza at one of the northern airports (KFNL, KEIK, KLMO). Hangars should be easier to get than the metro area, and driving time/distance out to KDEN is probably less than from around Meadow Lake. Those...
  2. ColoPilot

    Denver Colorado Area

    I'm not familiar with horse property in Denver, but which part of the metro area are you looking to live (job, etc)? Commuting across Denver really sucks anymore and I'd avoid that.
  3. ColoPilot

    Math help[NA]

    Infinite length and no point
  4. ColoPilot

    Career Change to Aviation (CFI)

    Brainstorming here -- but instead of a CFI, would you consider a non-flying aviation job? It sounds like you really want to get out of your current gig, but the CFI ranks are filled with people who are only there to build hours to get to the airlines, so the pay is low, benefits are scarce...
  5. ColoPilot

    Math help[NA]

    I learned in college -- if you expect the results to be a straight line, only plot 2 points.
  6. ColoPilot

    [NA] Digitizing vaccination info

    For any Colorado residents, the MyColorado app is pretty slick. It has your digital Covid vaccine card, your digital driver's license (my digital license even has my correct address while my physical one still has my old address), and any other state licenses (hunting, fishing, etc).
  7. ColoPilot

    Garage build lessons learned/ideas

    A beer fridge. What good are all the electrical outlets, car lifts, floor drains, and work benches if you don't have easy access beer?
  8. ColoPilot

    Concrete wing aircraft

    Totally off topic (but it is POA), a question for anyone who has been on a submarine, can you actually here the sonar pings like in the movie?
  9. ColoPilot

    Drug charges and Hiring

    I'm not a lawyer, don't live in California, and may not even be a human.....but I thought California does not allow employers to ask about arrests that don't result in conviction, which includes cases that result in a pre-trial diversion (i.e. no guilty plea). You should ask your lawyer about...
  10. ColoPilot

    What REALLY Happened to D.B. Cooper

    It should be easy to figure out who DB Cooper was: for someone who suddenly had $200K in cash in 1971, it's obvious the first thing they would do is buy a Bonanza, so we just need to review the list of Bonanza purchasers in 1972.
  11. ColoPilot

    Watches In the Cockpit (photos)

    Are you guys claiming my Rolex isn't real? The guy who sold it to me in Shanghai said it was real, even though it was only $6. I assume it was just a good exchange rate. I was a little suspicious when the battery died after a week :D But yeah it's a fake and it's not even a good fake, but...
  12. ColoPilot

    Watches In the Cockpit (photos)

    This is my Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust, but no cockpit picture since I'm a poor airplane renter. Maybe I should sell the watch and buy and airplane.....:)
  13. ColoPilot

    Claiming abandoned airplane in CO

    Even if you can get it for free, would it be worth it? If it hasn't flown in at least a decade it probably needs an overhaul, tires, belts, hoses. What about paint, fabric, interior? I'd compare that to what buying a flying 140 would cost.
  14. ColoPilot

    My Airport wedding!

    As did your gift for the happy couple.
  15. ColoPilot

    American Airlines security incident....

    I installed a tankless electric water heater last month, and without the cover that thing would make a perfect bomb prop for a movie. Had all the cliche parts, a red wire, a digital display, a mysterious tube.
  16. ColoPilot

    [NA] As pilots, what are we switching to as we move away from cargo shorts and New Balance?

    But those aren't sold via a pyramid scheme with me at the top. Don't you want to have all the money you need without working? Don't you deserve to own a Cirrus or two? All you have to do is sell my overpriced mens leggings to all your social media contacts and I (oops, we) will become rich...
  17. ColoPilot

    [NA] As pilots, what are we switching to as we move away from cargo shorts and New Balance?

    I see an opportunity. LuLaRoePilot -- MLM leggings for men with aviation designs. I'll be the first distributor, so anyone who wants to sign up in my downline, do it fast (the top of the pyramid makes the most money). By this time next year we'll all have Bonanzas!
  18. ColoPilot

    Things That Bug me in TV Shows and Movies

    The book "Skunk Works" by Ben Rich (Kelly Johnson's successor) was an excellent book, with a much better title.
  19. ColoPilot

    Things That Bug me in TV Shows and Movies

    Whenever someone in a show hacks into a security camera (like an ATM or traffic camera) and they can zoom in and enhance the picture so well that they can read the driver's license from a guy across the street reflected in a car rear view mirror driving past. In real life when someone robs a...
  20. ColoPilot

    Tesla Model 3 - Finally.

    You only pay $0.06/kWH? Is that a off-peak, night rate and it's higher in the day, or is that your normal rate? We pay around $0.11/kWH.