Search results

  1. edessa

    GTN 650 Installation

    More wires are soon to come out as I removed the old intercom. Installed the tray and test fit the audio control panel. Waiting on parts to arrive from Aircraft Spruce on Monday to continue.
  2. edessa

    GTN 650 Installation

    Todays progress. Started by closing up wing panels, replacing ELT batteries and testing ELT. Removed all trays except for one and removed all back plates and wires except for one. Will start install of new avionics tomorrow.
  3. edessa

    Single GPS antenna

    Unfortunately not. Manual states to install it on top. I'm just going to install the second GPS antenna.
  4. edessa

    Single GPS antenna

    I was just trying to avoid adding more holes to the fuselage. As far as Garmin is concerned, I purchased the unit used repaired with an 8130. It's out of warranty and I'm sure Garmin wont talk to me since i'm not a dealer. They wouldn’t even answer my question regarding the STC paperwork and...
  5. edessa

    Single GPS antenna

    Does anyone know if you can use coax splitter with a single GPS antenna for use with a Stratus ESG and a GTN 650? I have the Stratus ESG with a 42G15A-XT-1 GPS antenna.
  6. edessa

    GTN 650 Installation

    Yeah, that will be fun. Today we did take out the trays but left the back plates in the airplane. Concentrated on jacking the plane and going through the wheels, brakes, and landing inspection. Tomorrow we will start removing the old wires and back plates in preparation of installing the new...
  7. edessa

    GTN 650 Installation

    Well weather did not cooperate. Had my oral for the CFI on December 8th and didn’t finish the flight portion until February 3rd. Started the annual on the Cherokee this week with my students. Part of the job is to install the new avionics. Here is the one day progress.
  8. edessa

    Daily Pic

    Took a flight this evening and tested out the Insta 360 X3 camera mounted to the wingtip.
  9. edessa

    Garmin GTN Installation Level of Difficulty

    I'm installing a GTN 650, PMA6000B and GI-106A in our Cherokee last tow weeks of March during the annual. I wired everything up my self with my high school students. They will be performing the annual and the install of the avionics during their spring break. Helps that I'm the A&P, IA and CFI...
  10. edessa

    Hand held radios.

    Mine has an adaptor that screws in also, and I just leave it that way.
  11. edessa

    Seeking Accelerated Multi Engine Training

    The cost was exactly what their website says. I upgraded to the DA40-NG for the FADEC and air conditioning. I had zero time flying any Diamonds or the G1000NXi. I am an A&P/IA and have worked on the Diamonds and G1000 aircraft so that helped a little. CRAFT emails you ahead of time the links to...
  12. edessa

    Audio panel and Comm 2

    I am installing a PMA-6000B in our Cherokee that is primarily used to teach high school students to fly and get their PPL. They don't need bluetooth. No need for anything crazy. Along with that I am installing a GTN650 since there is no GPS in the plane.
  13. edessa

    (NA - sort of) Your at your local airport and witness a fellow pilot kick a dog on a leash

    In Ohio it is iligal to harm an animal. Its called Goddard's Law. Depending on who and what they did its a different penalty from misdemeanor to a felony
  14. edessa

    Daily Pic

    I do the same thing while in the back. My wife and daughter make fun of me. They just don't get it.
  15. edessa

    GTN 650 Installation

    I have everything I need for the installation of the audio control panel and the GTN650. My CFI check ride is on December 8 so after that I will ground the airplane and have two or three of my students help me install it.
  16. edessa

    PA28 down near Gainesville, FL

    That what we still have in our Cherokee. LORAN still works.
  17. edessa

    Zenith 750 Cruzer CFI

    Where are you located? Start with your local EAA chapters.
  18. edessa

    Spin training

    I asked to, but instructor said not necessary. I had a feeling he never had done one him self.
  19. edessa

    Spin training

    Part of my flight reviews.
  20. edessa

    Daily Pic

    Spin training.