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    Another unleaded 100LL replacement approved (Swift 100R)

    And now Swift 100R is available for purchase.
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    It was a good day.

    Although it was an interesting day, I can't really tell yet whether it was good or bad.
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    New panel for a 206

    My guess: Protect G500Txi sales. Either that or they don't trust EAB guys to string cat5e correctly.
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    How to enter a holding pattern?

    I used my hands.
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    New panel for a 206

    Yes. I haven't read all of the manuals but from what I gathered from the ones I have, Database Sync requires Ethernet connections. The G5 and G3x Touch don't have Ethernet. The GI275, GNX375 and GTR205/GNC215 do have Ethernet. Just plug in one USB or SD card and everything on the network gets a...
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    New panel for a 206

    Yes, but you can still enter an altitude at each waypoint even if the GFC won't climb to it. A GNX375 won't even let you do that.
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    New panel for a 206

    Yes. The GNX375 (along with all Garmin GPS newer than the GTN) can provide a VFR glide path and the GFC can follow that as well.
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    New panel for a 206

    Hm, you only need to bug the final altitude and then hit VNV only once in the G1000NXi. I had thought the GTN Xi was the same way. I would keep the VOR antennae (assuming they're still serviceable) and talk to your avionics shop about wiring the GTR205's as GTN215's. They're pin compatible and...
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    the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

    Mal = bad (French)? Ort = table scraps (middle English)?
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    New panel for a 206

    In short, a GTN/GFC pair can plan all of TOD points and then fly the stepdowns. The obvious application is doing all the vertical work on a non-precision approach or on the way to the FAF of a precision approach. But even going VFR, it's still useful say for example if you have to step your way...
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    The self-flagellation of the frugal and mechanically minded(a rant)

    Seems a bit inconvenient if you need a good amount of ice in a relatively short period of time. How about a countertop ice maker as a middle ground?
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    What if... Modernizing GA

    I'm pretty sure my university thermodynamics class made a distinction between the two. But then again, I remember more about Karnaugh than Carnot. :)
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    New panel for a 206

    A set of GI275 (AI, HSI, EIS, MFD/CDI) is the obvious middle ground. Also, you might to consider a a GTN Xi as your GPS navigator. The GFC500 cannot do VPTH to vertical waypoints with the GNX375 like a GTN can. And if everything else is going to have nice color display, the gas plasma of the...
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    Personal Locator Beacon - Still Relevant?

    Seems "relevant" might be the wrong term and "redundant" (at least as far as your gear bag is concerned) is more apt.
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    What if... Modernizing GA

    Those with a Diesel-cycle engine. And those with an Atkinson-cycle engine. There's also the Miller-cycle to consider as well.
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    The self-flagellation of the frugal and mechanically minded(a rant)

    Do you still have the failed circuit card? Usually, it's the analog components on there that fail and those tend to be readily available for a reasonable cost if you're handy with a soldering iron. (BTDT and still have spares)
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    Restaurant Feedback

    Ask ChatGPT to re-word it for you in the way that you want?
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    VFR flight plans. Do you file them?

    @Zeldman hit the brakes. The Skymaster flew right by.
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    What if... Modernizing GA

    I have a feeling Toyota would look at the Rotax 915 iS an say "eh, you got this".