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  1. T

    UND Plane down in ND - 1 fatality

    Such a shame. The FAA needs to take notice. I am currently seeking my class 3. I had a head injury in 2012. Just last week I had to meet with my treating Dr from 7 years ago to get an “all clear” letter added to my file. We had a detailed discussion about the FAA wanting so much paperwork...
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    FAA Non-Approved Medications

  3. T

    FAA Non-Approved Medications

    Just wondering would he even be legal to go sport pilot since he is obviously aware of this particular condition he is being treated for, or does the sport pilot reg give the latitude to make his own judgement call on this? I mean a 1320 lb LSA flown into a playground kills you as bad a 172...
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    Fraudulant insurance claims denied would I still have to report?

    I guess my thinking is if they have everything on the first go round there won’t be anything to discover if things were to go sideways. But maybe I’m wrong because I do know the goal is to prove it was not any fault of the FAA!
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    Fraudulant insurance claims denied would I still have to report?

    The only issue the FAA even cares about has a specific start date and my records were all pretty easy to find, organize, and submit. But you are correct even with my records I am sure there is something I left out. It’s impossible to remember everything but if it’s missing they will never be...
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    Fraudulant insurance claims denied would I still have to report?

    After the painful process of submitting 1300 pages to the FAA, and now in a holding pattern waiting for whatever they may think of next. My advice to the OP is to report everything, especially if he knows it can be successfully proven to be incorrect. I hated starting the process of being...
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    Pre-loading my deferral response. Guidance would be nice.

    The stamp came from Vista print for $24. I ordered it and it arrived 3 days later. 1300 pages was a lot but you know honesty and all that……
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    Pre-loading my deferral response. Guidance would be nice.

    I had to by a stamp with my application number, ss#, name ect…. To stamp each page. My file was over 1300 pages and apparently the FAA wants that info on each page you send them.
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    Pre-loading my deferral response. Guidance would be nice.

    As far as my case I gathered all the paperwork myself and mailed it to OKC on my own. My AME only provided guidance, although he did get a copy of the letter asking for additional paperwork. I’m pretty sure it’s that way with every AME. Good luck and don’t get frustrated. Follow the...
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    Train vs plane

    Amtrak has what is called blended braking. It uses air brakes on the cars in conjunction with air brakes on the locomotive while at the same time using dynamic braking. Dynamic braking turns the traction motors into generators and uses electrical grids to place a load on those generators...
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    File sent to Legal Counsel

    I cannot understand why the process of getting a medical, or keeping a medical certificate is so damn difficult. It’s like the FAA wants to run around with their chest all puffed up trying to pick a fight with anyone who may have a crack in their armor. I will never understand why this...
  12. T

    Another Class III OSA question

    I had a Phillips Dream Station and it actually recorded 365 days of data. The data didn’t show up on the card but it did show up on the Phillips Dream Mapper app. Maybe you have already done this but run the 365 day report in the app and see what it shows. Good luck.
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    Cherokee down presidio county, TX

    And this is why they should have blocked out the number. Some of us have a theory as to what happened, and some of us just have a hunch but ALL of us have a name an an address! Just seems like too much information about someone who more than likely is a victim of aircraft theft.
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    Cherokee down presidio county, TX

    Well a crime has been committed that is under investigation and I would think they wouldnt want the registered owner of the aircraft being advertised all over the internet. And yet it is there for all to see so maybe they do.
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    Cherokee down presidio county, TX

    Wow I cant believe they didn’t block out the tail number in the photo!
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    Paperwork question

    Well I decided to order the stamp. About $14 and will be here next week.
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    Paperwork question

    I thought about the stamp but the quicker solution would be the sticky labels. I think I will go that route. With a little help the process should go quickly.
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    Paperwork question

    I got my letter from the FAA asking for additional information. This was expected and I have everything they have requested. My question is do I need to put my application number on each page? It’s close to 1000 pages. Also what is the best way to present it? Currently everything is in...
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    UND Hosts Summit on Mental Health in Aviation

    I agree the DUI’s should be a separate issue dealt with by enforcement.
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    UND Hosts Summit on Mental Health in Aviation

    It makes no sense. Mental health is strictly taboo in aviation out of fear. If a person has a major life event and does not experience anxiety or depression I would question that persons mental health long before someone who needs meds due to a death or divorce or some other catastrophic...