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  1. T

    Online (Preferably App-Based) Ground School Recommendations

    I used King Schools. Not the cheapest but it is easy to use and prepares you for the exam. Unless you simply don’t apply yourself, or have an awful memory you will pass first go round.
  2. T

    FAA delays

    They told me to call about every 60 days.
  3. T

    FAA delays

    The backlog may take a couple of years to get cleared up unless something drastic doesn’t happen pretty soon. Seems like a year is just baked into the process now. That’s just a crazy amount of time to review medical records and render a decision. Sounds like an excellent time to do away with...
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    FAA delays

    I’m just doing this as a hobby. I couldn’t imagine having my income tied to my FAA medical.
  5. T

    FAA delays

    Wow I just realized the forum edited my post for foul language.
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    FAA delays

    Wow that’s simply unexplainable and unacceptable with todays technology. I wonder what it was like 5 years ago? How long did the process take back then? I haven’t received a letter confirming receipt of my “more stuff” I spoke with my AME and he said they don’t always send a confirmation...
  7. T

    Does this mean it got approved?

    I’m jealous! I’m so tired of seeing “no medical information available” Congrats to both of you.
  8. T

    FAA delays

    I agree. It seems to be simple common sense. After all sleep apnea is the same no matter which Dr reads the report. It’s almost like the FAA is telling the AME they don’t rust their judgement. I mean if an AME was turning out pilots who didn’t meet the standards that would be become apparent...
  9. T

    FAA delays

    I haven’t gotten a letter saying they received my packet. I called and they said everything was scanned in and under review. Oh well maybe I should have lost about 100 lbs and went sport pilot. My weight is the only reason I didnt.
  10. T

    FAA delays

    From what I have read it’s after the actual deferral takes place and the FAA receives the additional information they request in the letter. So it appears the clock we are all referring to starts at that point. With that being said some people are well over a year. Honestly it’s probably a...
  11. T

    FAA delays

    There are some on this forum that will say the FAA is just doing what is necessary and some Will say it’s government overreach. But they will all say it takes too long and it’s an antiquated process that needs to change. I completely agree that if my Dr says I’m healthy then why does someone...
  12. T

    FAA delays

    I think I may have spoken with the same FAA guy that Eric spoke with. He was nice and thanked me for “not going crazy” on him. The outcome was the same no real information just that they were overwhelmed and understaffed. I am early in the process and not nearly ready to be as frustrated as...
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    FAA delays

    my stuff only went in last month. I feel like I’m doomed. I keep hoping that somebody will walk into the FAA office and say WTF, and then papers will start flying and certs will start flying off the shelves!
  14. T

    FAA delays

    The FAA chief is resigning midway though his term. Apparently the FAA let Boeing do a little self certification on their new jet, which we know went bad. Now the chief wants to spend more time with his family. With all that being said maybe we should send each FAA person involved in that...
  15. T

    Cirrus jet damaged....

    Put the aircraft in a LLC and personal assets are protected from anything your airplane may destroy in the process of destroying itself.
  16. T

    FAA delays

    No movement with my file. Still with reviewer. AME and FAA have no estimate. Got deferred, received letter for additional info 2 weeks after being deferred, the following week I sent them everything (1300 pages). They have had it about a month now.
  17. T

    Any FAA question loopholes to not admit to taking prescribed medications in the past?

    Maybe I’m wrong from from the OP original post he was clearly diagnosed with anxiety and the “have you ever” clears up the question of not having to admit to being diagnosed with anything. The obvious answer is yes you do need to admit, put it in med express, and the get your ducks in a row. I...
  18. T

    Any FAA question loopholes to not admit to taking prescribed medications in the past?

    To your response about the OP’s original post. No it doesn’t answer his question, however his question was already answered. And he probably already knew the answer to the question anyway, just like most people on this forum. I mean do you really need to put a question on POA forum to find...
  19. T

    Any FAA question loopholes to not admit to taking prescribed medications in the past?

    Hey just a question for somebody out there. I have heard that some fighter pilots use Adderall before a mission. And if they do is it acceptable and is it prescribed? Now don’t beat me up digitally for asking but I have read this. Is it based on fact or legend? I can see where it would make...
  20. T

    Neuro panel delays

    I agree. A simple number assigned to each application would provide us with useful information and at least keep things in order. But if they were to assign a number that would shed light on those parts of the process where weakness resides. It would make the choke points very noticeable...