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  1. T

    Airman Inquiry change in medical status

    The scariest part of the process the loss of sport pilot privileges if you wash out. I seriously considered going LSA and hoping the upcoming rule changes would accommodate my weight.
  2. T

    Airman Inquiry change in medical status

    Well it depends on what the FAA wants to review for SI. My AME says he is thinking they will only ask for CPAP compliance records. If that’s all they want then we’re going to move along quickly. If they want records from head injury in 2012 we’ll then we’re probably talking full neuro cog...
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    Airman Inquiry change in medical status

    I have the same plan. Keep flying and when my certificate comes in finish everything off.
  4. T

    Airman Inquiry change in medical status

    It took him a whole year! That is just painful to hear.
  5. T

    Advice for Class 3 medical with OCD and Zoloft

    I considered sport pilot but I’m just too heavy. I went for the whole enchilada. Meet with one of the guys mentioned earlier. If they say it can be done then count on it. If they say it ain’t gonna fly then lose all the weight you can and go sport pilot.
  6. T

    Airman Inquiry change in medical status

    I spoke with the FAA last Friday to check the status of my case. The lady I spoke with was very nice and extremely helpful. She explained how each case is assigned for review and each reviewer has a different number of cases. They are assigned first come first serve. She also said they are...
  7. T

    Check status of medical

    Well as of last Thursday they are 4201 behind. I will just have to wait my turn.
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    Check status of medical

    I would hate to have my career on the line and have to go through this process. It’s no big surprise some people choose to not report everything.
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    Check status of medical

    Is there any value in calling before the letter for additional information arrives or should I wait until I send the requested records?
  10. T

    Check status of medical

    Yea my AME told me it’s a crap shoot as far as trying to determine a timeline. It just seems like someone somewhere would realize this is an awful process. I wonder how many of the FAA reviewers are pilots.(if any).
  11. T

    Check status of medical

    I just competed my exam on the 11th. AME says 4 to 6 weeks for the letter asking for additional info. Such a cumbersome process. In today’s age of instant information one would think it would go a little faster. Is the 16 weeks after receiving the letter asking for more information or are...