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  1. L

    Amazing MPG Improvement Without Corn (N/A)

    Maybe the fact that gasoline has 114000 BTU's of energy per gallon and ethanol has 76100 BTU's of energy per gallon has something to do with it.
  2. L

    Amazing MPG Improvement Without Corn (N/A)

    87 octane per Kia and I'll go out on a limb and guess the OP has not upped the compression.
  3. L

    Amazing MPG Improvement Without Corn (N/A)

    The higher octane will not improve mileage or performance in a vehicle designed to use 87 octane.
  4. L

    How to handle this medical issue Dr Bruce is the man to contact. If you are on the red board (AOPA) you can ask there.
  5. L

    Thinking About a Boat

    Re: Sterndrive 101 was [Re: Thinking About a Boat] Yep, water in the shift cable, u-joints, and gimbal brg from that gskt leak. You'll need an engine alignment bar and tool to install the gimbal brg. There's also a tool for the shift cable you can make if you have access to a welder if...
  6. L

    What are my options?

    Find the money to pay Dr Bruce. At a minimum post annon. on the red board to get his advlce. As far as the FAA is concerned you have 3 alcohol and one drug violations. You have received very bad advice and followed it. You can not afford any more mistakes in handling this if you wish to...
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    Thinking About a Boat

    That trick was shown to me by an instructor at a factory OMC outboard school about 20 years ago. I've done it hundreds of times without a problem.
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    Thinking About a Boat

    My experience with older Johnson outboards is that reed valve problems don't come and go like this. It's easy enough to check, run it with the air silencer box off when it only goes 5 mph, if being caused by reeds you will see fuel being spit back out the throat of the carb on the offending...
  9. L

    Thinking About a Boat

    Simple test to start with would be to take a pair of plastic pliers (fuse pliers from home depot) and remove the spark plug wires one at a time with the engine running in its 5mph max mode. If you pull a wire and nothing changes that cylinder isn't running. Be very aware of the big "meat...
  10. L

    Thinking About a Boat

    That's a much newer remote than your boat. You are correct, the button in the base of the handle must be pushed (left hand) at the same time you hit the release button at the top of the control with your thumb (right hand, button you push to move handle out of neutral when shifting) and...
  11. L

    Thinking About a Boat

    Skip the antifreeze thing, there is no way for air to freeze and crack anything. The big thing is to make sure all the water is out, in addition to the above stuff use compressed air to blow out anything you've opened up. If the boat is staying outside for the winter some folks pull the drive...
  12. L

    Thinking About a Boat

    Post a picture of the remote (throttle/shifter) and I can tell you how the neutral throttle release should work. Some have a button you pull out, some you pull out the whole throttle handle at the base, and some have a button you press in.
  13. L

    Seems like an open and shut case of...oh, it was a cop? nvm

    It would appear that officer convenience trumps public safety.
  14. L

    Thinking About a Boat

    Part of the lease for my repair shops at two marinas is that we launch/retrieve the dry storage boats. I launch/retrieve a lot of boats every week. A good starting point for trailer depth with this boat should be 1-2" under the surface (where the surface would be in calm water if it is not...
  15. L

    Warbird round engine mechanics in bay area

  16. L

    Thinking About a Boat

    When you pick up the boat ask the old owner when the water pump impeller was last changed. Mercury suggests that the impeller in the gen I alphas be changed annually. My experience is if being used they can run longer, but would still make it an annual maint item. Make the temp gauge part of...
  17. L

    How to have an incident

    At least he is man enough to keep the same ID over the years so you can go back and see what he posted. Changing IDs so you can spew crap without it following you is childish at the very least. You should be ashamed of yourself if you are a grown man. I'm quite sure it doesn't bother you in...
  18. L

    Flying Club

    The requirements for the Bo don't matter much as it crashed killing all three on board in Feb. according to.
  19. L

    Flying Club

    The Bo crashed at Telluride CO in Feb according to this. Flight time is billed monthly and can ad up. It's easier to make sure the applicant is a good risk up front, no bad...
  20. L

    vapor lock and impossible turn today

    If this was a water incident wouldn't the strainer still have water in it after the problem?