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  1. Skid

    Anyone a FAASTeam Representative?

    Let me start out by saying I passed my instrument checkride this past weekend! Woo! During the oral portion the examiner noted how impressed she was by my preparation and flight planning materials and the way I explained it. She said I should become a FAASTeam representative and would sponsor...
  2. Skid

    Should you lead a parallel holding pattern entry?

    If you were to approach the holding fix at a 90* angle to the inbound leg on a parallel entry, should you lead the turn to the outbound course or cross over the holding fix first? Looking at the AIM it seems like you should anticipate the turn and fly as close to the inbound leg as possible...
  3. Skid

    What does it mean to takeoff under IFR?

    Here’s an example: As Shawn pointed out the reference reg is 91.175(f) and then more specifically section (1) of that which describes the takeoff under IFR. Reason I ask is I think I see part 135 aircraft taking off from the uncontrolled airport I fly out of fairly regularly on a runway...
  4. Skid

    What does it mean to takeoff under IFR?

    This is an embarrassing question, but I’m trying to wrap my head around takeoff minimums. I understand the basic gist that they don’t really apply to part 91, but when reading some of the non standard minimums in my area just to get a basic idea for safety I start to confuse myself. It states...
  5. Skid

    IFR ETE with Practice Approaches

    Cool, thanks for the info
  6. Skid

    IFR ETE with Practice Approaches

    Gotcha, wasn’t sure if being off by potentially an hour would cause issue in the system.
  7. Skid

    IFR ETE with Practice Approaches

    Curious what I should plug in for the time enroute when doing multiple practice approaches to different airports while IFR. Would it be the calculated time if I just overflew (lost comm) from departure to destination or +15 min for each approach I plan to do? Thanks
  8. Skid

    How long did it take to get your PPL?

    1. 57 hours 2. 3 years (Started on 14th birthday, PPL checkride on 17th birthday) 3. 2004
  9. Skid

    GPS Alternate Minimums - Help Me Understand

    Aren't LPV, LNAV/VNAV, and Baro VNAV considered to be an approach with vertical guidance (APV) and therefore technically non-precision? And therefore 800-2 would be used all the time? If so, I'm confused why the AIM just doesn't state the simplified non-precision approach minimums.
  10. Skid

    GPS Alternate Minimums - Help Me Understand

    I’ll try to keep this short. I think I have a good grasp of when I can and can’t use an airport as an alternate (when considering GPS) but I’m unclear as to what the weather has to be: (c) For flight planning purposes, TSOC129() and TSOC196()-equipped users (GPS users) whose navigation systems...
  11. Skid

    Off Airport Landing Near John Wayne (KSNA)

    Good on her for getting it down in such a tight spot. Any word on what the actual failure was? Haven't really read into it much, but seems to be running fine at idle at around the 1:33 mark in the video.
  12. Skid

    Another INOP Equipment Thread - EGT/CHT

    Still trying to get a good understanding on how to handle inoperative equipment so its not so cryptic every time I face the situation. This time flying a C172S G1000 with an inop EGT and CHT (red X's over all 8 displays - 4 EGTS, 4 CHTS)*. *I was still receiving RPM, fuel, oil information so I...
  13. Skid

    Have you built any aviation related items?

    I built a Stratux :cool:
  14. Skid

    I didn't know ForeFlight did this until today's flight...

    Not to derail but I haven't experienced any of the above with Fltplan Go. Have been using it pretty regularly for the past year with no real complaints. Tried a free trial of FF and didn't see that much improvement for the price of $200-$300 vs free.
  15. Skid

    Meanwhile at 9000 feet...

    86T is a good bird, love that GFC700!
  16. Skid

    Busiest Non-Towered Airports?

    TPF isn't too bad typically. VNC gets annoying though, especially with the frequency congestion.
  17. Skid

    What do you guys like for handheld backup radios?

    I have the Yaesu FTA550 on standby. Haven't had the chance to use it airborne, but seems like it works fine. Seems to go through batteries quick just sitting around, but I recharge it with rechargeable AA's every few flights. Decent price on Amazon too.
  18. Skid

    Help Me Understand TAA - IFR Written Answer Seems Wrong

    So just to make sure I'm clear for real world flying, would being inside the TAA mean I'm established? I.e maintain 7000 until entering a segment of the TAA?
  19. Skid

    Help Me Understand TAA - IFR Written Answer Seems Wrong

    I think the confusion for me is the word “should”. The resources seem to indicate otherwise.
  20. Skid

    Help Me Understand TAA - IFR Written Answer Seems Wrong

    Here are the other two: 1) Descend to 5300ft, cross AJCIZ and complete the procedure turn, then cross BEMXI at 4,700 2) Descend to 4,700ft, cross AJCIZ and complete the procedure turn, then cross BEMXI at 4,600 Both of those also seem wrong too. For #1 crossing BEMXI at 4700 is incorrect, and...