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  1. R

    Plane crash Gillespie Field, San Diego

    geez that audio is awful. given the weather and natural features of that approach, circling to land 27R was going to be challenging at night.
  2. R

    Bonanza crashed near Visalia Airport(KVIS)

    man that's a bummer and very sad. can't imagine taking off low IFR in the central valley. it's going to mean fog all over
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    Taylorcraft down California

    he actually crashed an airplane into a mountain with zero regard for persons or property on the ground. he will be investigated. they simply cannot ignore this
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    Taylorcraft down California

    in my humble opinion, if this were real even the most naive pilot would recognize how staged this looks and would have some hesitation about the framing of the events and why it was documented the way it is before posting. they would surely explain themselves and show cockpit footage. every...
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    Thoughts on a Cherokee 180 that has been sitting in a hangar

    Found a Cherokee 180 I a am possibly interested in, but the bad news it has racked up 100 hours flight time in the past 12 years. Roughly 10 hours in the past 3. What sort of mess am I looking at, and how would you all adjust your offer based on this? The engine is only about 20% used up in...
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    Question on Landing Lights from 91.205

    Was reviewing for checkride and noticed something that piqued my curiosity. Anybody have any insight? From 91.205 (c)(4): If the aircraft is operated for hire, one electric landing light. Are there non-electric landing lights?
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    Flying for company on a PPL

    Thanks, and yeah to the other main point in this thread re: transporting other members of the business there is another interpretation which makes it pretty clear. Search the "Lamb-2" interpretation from 2010 (I am too new to post links). Basically that if you transport yourself for something...
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    Flying for company on a PPL

    I feel like some are muddying this. The "incidental part" is there to distinguish between how the business operates and makes money versus your intended use of the airplane. It's like if you own a delivery service business you can't buy a plane and sometimes take deliveries by plane when your...