Search results

  1. BruceAir

    Finally, The Real Explanation for the ADIZ Incursion

    From a series of responses to a newspaper article in Lancaster, PA about the ADIZ incident: MonyMony 05-12-2005 Before everyone points fingers at these pilots, there may have been a very good reason for their mistake. I am a local UFO researcher and since April 23,2005...
  2. BruceAir

    Switching tanks

    (Back in AOPA mode) You can find several good articles about fuel management at: A Safety Advisor on the topic is available at:
  3. BruceAir

    Fox News Reports Plane Violated DC No Fly Zone

    AOPA has posted an interesting video clip on its Web site at: It shows Phil Boyer "behind the scenes" as he's interviewed nonstop by media, including CNN (which called AOPA the "Airline Owners...")
  4. BruceAir

    Switching tanks

    I'll add a few more things to keep in mind: It's good to have a systematic method to keep track of time (hands on the watch, timer, GPS reminder), but I teach students not just to switch automatically when the alarm goes off. I want them to look around and switch, whenever possible, when...
  5. BruceAir

    Practical Advice to Avoid what happen in Washinton

    What's most frustrating for me, as a CFI, is that so many pilots and instructors don't take advantage of the many resources that are already available to teach and update knowledge in such areas as airspace. For example, the AOPA Air Safety Foundation has many free online courses available to...
  6. BruceAir

    Two Good Articles About ADIZ Incident

    The May 13 national edition of the NY Times includes two well-done stories about the recent ADIZ/FRZ indicent: (You may need to be registered with the NY Times to read the stories...
  7. BruceAir

    Composite Repair in Seattle (Bird Strike)

    I will trust the experience, knowledge, and skill of people who do this sort of work every day and who will examine the specific damage in the specific area on my specific airplane.