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  1. C

    Low-ish IFR departures

    Definitely something to formally brief and visualize prior to departure if it's not something you're doing frequently (as opposed to, say, a part 121 pilot who is flying in a wide range of conditions on a weekly basis). It helps to make sure you're well-versed in how to handle the airplane from...
  2. C

    GTN - Actual vs Desired Track and Heading

    My primary focus for lateral guidance during approaches is the TRK/DTK/XTK figures on the GPS. There is a slight increase in cognitive workload because your brain is having to process the numbers and do the comparisons rather than just visually interpreting a CDI, however, I've found it to be...
  3. C

    Logging IFR/Approach time with a Safety Pilot question in IMC (again)

    Thanks for taking the time to post, I'm sure that was a good amount of work.
  4. C

    What’s your on course heading?

    I give the magnetic course as I know that's what they're after, usually rounded to the nearest 5. They need to know roughly where I'm going and which sector to handoff to.
  5. C

    Logging IFR/Approach time with a Safety Pilot question in IMC (again)

    No argument regarding how wise it is to do it. Everyone's agreed there potential risks of a violation. That's absolutely not the same thing as saying that it's not possible to do it. Did he elude to why he held the incorrect view from the outset? Misread the regs? Didn't read the reg? Read...
  6. C

    Logging IFR/Approach time with a Safety Pilot question in IMC (again)

    Fair enough, my assumption was that if Pilot A is in prolonged IMC, he/she will not wear the device. Under those conditions, the person in the other seat isn't serving as a safety pilot.
  7. C

    Logging IFR/Approach time with a Safety Pilot question in IMC (again)

    WDD, no safety pilot would need to be listed if it was done in IMC. A safety pilot is only required if VMC and the sole manipulator is under the hood. Pilot B would be acting as PIC for the entire flight (since it's conducted under IFR), but could only log the portions where they are serving as...
  8. C

    Best X/C aircraft besides Vans RV

    My 360 stalls in the landing config at 60kts. That's ~70mph. My condition inspections typically net around $1200. Acquisition cost was $72k. The retracts have cost very little extra in maintenance. 190-200ktas on 9.5gph makes them a cross country animal. RV's are wonderful, no question, but I...
  9. C

    Single pilot IFR Napa to Orange County

    Echoing my YT comment here: At around 17:30, 121.30 is listed as the final approach frequency, you should be expecting to be sent to that at some point (ie, it would be a indicator that once you're on that freq, that's who is going to issue the app clearance, therefore, it would be reasonable...
  10. C

    Logging IFR/Approach time with a Safety Pilot question in IMC (again)

    Son of a....was just about to post a slightly kinder version of the same thing :) Here's the timestamps: 2:45 it starts 4:45 starts talking about logging (why are we talking about logging? That wasn't the question at hand) 5:10 they are "both acting as a PIC" (what a SHOCKING bit of phrasing...
  11. C

    Logging IFR/Approach time with a Safety Pilot question in IMC (again)

    Very familiar with the logging vs actual debate, however I hadn't seen this one debated before. Either I've missed it each time, or it just hasn't come up very often. I'm guessing ppl either know the answer since the regs are clear, or it truly doesn't come up because it is the less common way...
  12. C

    Best way to get sharp on ATC com comprehension

    It's a borderline tragedy that your instructor didn't brief you on what a PTAC was, walking through lots of examples, before you ever got into the airplane for the instrument flight. The only things that are 'news' are the heading and altitude. Even then, the heading can be predicted 4 out of 5...
  13. C

    Logging IFR/Approach time with a Safety Pilot question in IMC (again)

    Struggling to understand how this became a debate...61.57(c)(1): "Within the 6 calendar months preceding the month of the flight, that person performed and logged at least the following tasks and iterations in an airplane...for the instrument rating privileges to be maintained in actual weather...
  14. C

    Flying over water in the N.E. in late September

    Have been to Block Island many times, I always fly high enough to glide to shore and then some. Losing altitude over BID is trivial and you don't have to maintain the same altitude the whole way. Once you're closer to shore, you can be at a lower altitude and still make the shore (stating the...
  15. C

    A Proficiency Outing - 2 Approaches & an Overhead Break (Full ATC)

    Wayne, your diagram has the aircraft crossing the numbers 3 times. Never seen an overhead break performed by any aircraft which conforms to that pattern. Initial leads to the overhead break, then they land, crossing the numbers twice, not three times.
  16. C

    More solo IFR (and no autopilot)

    Regarding over-reliance on APs, I can offer some observations having run a fair number of in-person IFR proficiency group classes (simulator based) a few years ago with Pilotworkshops. There were people who hand flew all of the exercises (not many). There were people who utilized the AP but...
  17. C

    More solo IFR (and no autopilot)

    To answer the OP's question, once I got my IR, I purposefully flew on days with a progression of lower and lower ceilings until I reached precision mins. This happened over the course of 3-4 flights. After that I did the same at night (skipping one or two flights and cutting to the chase with...
  18. C

    “Jumpers Away!” heard while in the clouds

    Recently noticed Parachute Jumping Areas showing up on ForeFlight (posted here: Very handy for situational awareness. Between that and ATC being aware of the active jump areas, I imagine you'd be in pretty good shape.
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    xplane vs MSFS for IFR procedures

    *in unison* "It's a fantastic tool." And I'm glad you like it :) To the OP, FS2020 will drive you _nuts_ with its lack of system and avionics fidelity for a long time to come. XP11 is a great way to go. I've been using it since v5 and it just keeps getting better. I ran a webinar on using...
  20. C

    ATC informs me of traffic 500' below me while I am IFR

    Not sure how much value this adds, but just a reminder that ATC doesn't separate IFR from VFR in Class E, so there's no transition to visual separation. Doing so would imply that prior to that point, IFR separation standards were being applied. They're not. You'll also hear instances where ATC...