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  1. ytodd

    URL Shorteners
  2. ytodd

    What's in Albany?

    Looks like a great spot for some mostly peaceful protesting.
  3. ytodd

    Can I (the CFI) edit a Foreflight Logbook entry (remotely)?

    Simple instructions for in person or remote endorsement. They even have a video showing you how to do it.
  4. ytodd

    Amboy CA Airport?

    Legal I can't speak too, but there are Bonanza's landing there and I wouldn't call them bush planes
  5. ytodd

    What's your go-to Concealed Carry weapon?

    The sheep pretend the wolf will never come and generally don't like the sheepdog. That's ok.
  6. ytodd

    Bose Deal!

    Bose has been offering this every few months for a couple years now.
  7. ytodd

    O2 saturation at altitude

    Due to my recent covid experience I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about oxygen saturation. Couple things to comment on in this thread. 1. All pulse oximeters are not the same, and neither are your fingers (or ears). The cheap pulse oximeters don't always give the most accurate...
  8. ytodd

    First time for OSH

    Backpack, water bottle, sunscreen, comfortable shoes, hiking chair, umbrella/poncho
  9. ytodd

    Flying During Airventure Without Losing Campsite

    Make Make a sign with your location and row "HBC Row 123" hold it in the window when you taxi in, and they will get you back to your spot.
  10. ytodd

    First Solo IFR

    I am sure Curt is proud.
  11. ytodd

    New fuel bladders 182Q

    buy a big box of bandaids
  12. ytodd

    Wristbands/Camping Pass - OSH21

    In the last 12 months I have lost multiple things in the USPS mail. In August I mailed an envelope to New York, It arrived in December. No thanks, I will pickup my wristbands like I do every year.
  13. ytodd

    Show off your Plane!

  14. ytodd

    Must have aviation apps for Apple Watch

    The built in timer is my most used.
  15. ytodd

    Anyone using a Skew-T/Log-P App

    Use it, love it. $15 is cheap for an easy to use interface to the data
  16. ytodd

    Check Ride sign off

    I had 2.
  17. ytodd

    Mounting systems for video camera

    x3 for flightfix I have this one from them. I painted it white and mounted it on the wing of my Bonanza
  18. ytodd

    Does ATC know if you are IR'ed?

    optional, I have never given my cert #