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  1. skyking3286

    RV Crash due to belted controls

    In response, we started to shut down the departures 15 minutes before the NOTAM to give pilots time to prepare and not rush. Plus numerous announcements during the day about it and a flag that was raised to say no engine starts. One can assume that pilots would know not to rush, but assuming...
  2. skyking3286

    EAA life membership value?

    I joined back in 1978 or so. Thought about lifetime after ten years, but was too broke then! So I support sport aviation by keeping my membership yearly. I’ve got a low number to brag about but it’s more about keeping a legacy alive.
  3. skyking3286

    Prop strike after going off runway on landing - does it count as "substantial damage"?

    At any rate, it’s an engine tear down and inspection.
  4. skyking3286

    Van's RV-9A Crash @ Saluda County (6J4) SC

    Or a slip done too slow. You should be able to put the rudder on the floor and still be above stall angle of attack.
  5. skyking3286

    RV-12 Fatal Crash - Control Failure 6/6 Auburn, WA

    Tragic building mistake that took 100 hours to manifest itself. Reminder to self: if controls don't work in some aircraft, go to the other stick and give it a try. - NTSB issues the preliminary report into the fatal accident involving a Van's RV-12, N412JN, that occurred on June 6, 2024, in...
  6. skyking3286

    Beja Airshow

  7. skyking3286

    PIREP--- SPORTY'S PJ2 Radio

    The internet sucks in negativity. I’ve had mine as my primary radio since it came out. No problems. It needs the proper amps and volts to run.
  8. skyking3286

    Another Boeing whistleblower has died...

    Such stupidity about a medical condition.
  9. skyking3286

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    You’re not emotionally ready to marry. Getting advice from Facebook sort of site for a major life decision isn’t a mature choice. Get some actual conversations with people, your career choice is a different category than a partner choice.
  10. skyking3286

    Why has Vashon sold so few Rangers, and will MOSAIC turn that around?

    Another plane that should have done better is the Glasair Merlin that was sold off to China and disappeared from the market.
  11. skyking3286

    Why has Vashon sold so few Rangers, and will MOSAIC turn that around?

    Looking at the field, I suspect the styling didn’t grab the emotions and all the very real rational reasons couldn’t overcome that easily. I can’t figure out why flight schools don’t have a couple for people to build time on. Reminds me of the 1970’s Bellanca 7ACA cheap Champ. 5K inquiries...
  12. skyking3286

    BA drone near miss

    Then again, there was that fish strike at Juneau.
  13. skyking3286

    Wing walking thrill rides shut down, pilot/operator loses license

    Having money to burn for a thrill and intelligence aren’t always the same. There are a lot of NTSB reports to that affect.
  14. skyking3286

    Masters of the Air--coming to Apple TV

    Given how much of social media goes to the dark side of opinions in everything, it was a good show and we are all lucky to have anything approaching this level of detail in our culture. If you want something to compare it, think “Pearl Harbor” recently. Or just how lucky it was to reach...
  15. skyking3286

    CAPS saves another

  16. skyking3286

    What's Flying Like in Retirement?

    Retirement means you are closer to that age 70 insurance cliff.
  17. skyking3286

    Plane crash on FL freeway

    I would assume that they were task saturated and so lifting of the nose and such was not a normal situation to encounter, could be totally focused on trying to line up the plane and highway, avoiding wires, houses and cars, it was an impossible situation and time, distance and altitude just ran...
  18. skyking3286

    Mechanical tach fail

    Hard to say, cable needing replacement or lube is the cheapest first step. One can lead to the other.
  19. skyking3286

    Sectionals for google Earth... Anybody know what happened to chartbundle?

    You’re going to get more folks at $25 a year plus a lot less hassle than billing per month. An add on to Google Earth isn’t going to be seen as something that is more than pocket change.
  20. skyking3286

    Air-to-Air Piper Tomahawk

    Piper listened to marketing rather than aerodynamics with that T-tail. Yes, prototype was made in August of 1973 with a O200 and conventional tail. I have never seen a photo of the mule in print.