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  1. sonopoa


    Kids today got no patience. I have been planeless for 60years and still waitin'
  2. sonopoa

    Things I Learn in IFR Training - Who Knew?

    Watch the first video here
  3. sonopoa

    Glass or steam?

    I think that in buying an ifr.capable plane that steam Vs glass is lower down in priority Capital Vs ongoing costs forecasts (capex/opex) IFR certified Waas GPS Autopilot Fiki Wx radar Interior (family) Paint job
  4. sonopoa

    [NA] Weird new credit card fraud thing? [/NA]

    Did you consider applying Occam's razor to your curious outcome
  5. sonopoa

    Hello again POA lots have happened in 5 years

    Great. With your bio you can also contribute. E G help folk with their questions
  6. sonopoa

    Buying Plane without Panel Mounted GPS

    These days for instrument you need two radios and GPS at least
  7. sonopoa

    Practical Difference Between FIKI and Inadvertent Deice

    Are we getting too complicated. If you don't have Fiki you have to get out of inadvertently flying into icing immediately. If you do you have more time to assess the option to stay there or leave. Assessing whether or not a flight will encounter icing accumulating on an airframe isn't an exact...
  8. sonopoa

    Magneto failure - like a frog in a slowly heated pot.

    Great thread, thanks for posting. She told me she was very happy.
  9. sonopoa

    Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash

  10. sonopoa

    IFR Current - Spacial D freakout

    feel humid and you may feel a temperature difference - latent heat..
  11. sonopoa

    IFR Current - Spacial D freakout

    Great post. In my experience you brain somehow adjusts and learns; you just trust your instruments. It gets much easier, but may never completely go; can vary from one flight to another. Doing things.. gradually ...helps. We have evolved to rely on our balance systems over millions of years.
  12. sonopoa

    Bad decisions-dodging coastal thunderstorms

    Too much use of adsb for tactical, you should have headed west around the back and safer due electronic lag and you could have stayed higher for longer when controller asked you to descend. You felt extra pressure with your family aboard. Thanks for opportunity to comment.
  13. sonopoa

    150 knots for $150k

    Cessna 310 Used
  14. sonopoa

    Why do so many people say "rudders"?

    Even quake 2 enenies say "Rudder" and not rudders I mean come on..
  15. sonopoa

    No more IPCs for me...

    While having a good home sim is great, I reject the mindset that a pilot with an approved home sim does not need to do IPCs IPCs should not be seen as a chore, but as an opportunity to brush up, get feedback from an experienced instructor. I would advise doing one annually and make sure you...
  16. sonopoa

    Pre IPC practice

    Came to post this suggestion too..
  17. sonopoa

    On request, standby...

    Yes, exactly. Actually no.. if the waiter told you he put the order in that would be fine .. however: If you gave an order to a waiter and he replied "on request standby" - you might likley think you had to tell him your order again when he was less busy..
  18. sonopoa

    On request, standby...

    Ok so this is the reply you might get in reply to when you call ATC for ifr clearance (when on the ground prior to taxi etc) The first time I heard it I thought it meant I needed to request it, or that I hadnt requested clearance properly. I still think it is an odd reply from that...
  19. sonopoa

    What are the Necessary IFR Navaid Instruments in 2020???

    If you are new to flying you dont need the instrument part of the forum yet If you are not new to flying and have an FAA private, you know you need to check out the FAA ACS for the rating of which the instrument can be found here...