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  1. sonopoa

    I bought an airplane. It was a lifelong dream. 6 months later, I'm out. (Reddit post)

    See my quote of the first part of your post for the answer.
  2. sonopoa

    Standard Rate/Bank Angle

    Std rate is for ifr/imc to reduce spacial disorientation risk and to standardise for timing Vfr downwind to base in the circuit is typically 30degree aob Not sure what your point is op
  3. sonopoa

    Any good landing tips while on final?

    Nail the right speed on final
  4. sonopoa

    Do you tip your CFI?

    In the UK on an annual instrument reval buying coffee and sandwich seems to be customary. Otherwise no. you are a male your CFI is female?
  5. sonopoa

    Oil is down 18% in the last 30 days. When will it be reflected in avgas pricing?

    Why are oil prices dropping did we find an alternative to Russia
  6. sonopoa

    VNY Van Nuys Airport Questions and ATC Procedures???

    Information on a pilot forum isn't definitive. Can you imagine a situation when any time a pilot wants to go somewhere new he posts on pilotsofamerica. Read the FAA information, look at the airport website pilot information, call them up
  7. sonopoa

    MSFS2020 Disappointment thread

    Showstopper. Main use of SIM is keeping instrument skills sharp..
  8. sonopoa

    Tip-toeing into the 21st century

    Great post and photo Your g5 and altimeter differ by 20ft in the photo
  9. sonopoa

    ..I had a gear up landing - and my first declaration

    Thanks for sharing. What about reducing time after without a plane
  10. sonopoa

    I bought an airplane. It was a lifelong dream. 6 months later, I'm out. (Reddit post)

    Yeah finding a good shop is tricky. The advice seems to be treat it like a partnership.. It sucks.. Praise the lord you dont live in the UK
  11. sonopoa

    QUICK POLL FOR EVERYONE: Which are you?

    I am instrument rated and current and like to critique others You just did
  12. sonopoa

    GA sucks, and also doesn't.

    GA doesn’t suk. Not sure the same can’t be said of some PICs
  13. sonopoa

    Why do pilots land at the thousand foot markers?

    I paid my landing fee so will use the entire runway I paid for
  14. sonopoa format has changed

    I use
  15. sonopoa

    Which is the better FBO job? Front Desk or Line Tech / Fueler?

    Is this an April Fool? Literal answer is neither you need a highly paid job to fund airline transport pilot license training costs. Sorry to be direct if you are serious.
  16. sonopoa

    Best Instrument Checkride Questions

    No. Track is ensuring you are wind adjusted tracking after the turn.
  17. sonopoa

    Whistling noise in IMC?

    Your avionics has a fault. It is trying to say Bank Angle Bank Angle
  18. sonopoa

    Upgrading to a better aircraft a bad thing?

    I would be concerned that unless a high proportion of that is disposable income eg you own your own home.. I would be concerned if I could afford to buy a 150 without racking up debt from the associated running expenses.