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  1. easik

    Do pilots use paper or digital logbook?

    Best to have both if you can. Digital is great as a source of backup should in case you lose the paper logbook.
  2. easik

    Help Explain: Best Possible Speed

    1.) Best forward speed is simply asking you to expedite. Perhaps there's traffic behind you or in close proximity that needs to land as well. 2.) No, I believe you just comply in this situation (except if complying jeopardizes your safety) 3.) I don't think there's a set distance for the rule...
  3. easik

    Ebooks homepages and apps for a beginner ppl student girl

    Get the AIM First, Apps - Private pilot test prep, Student Pilot Guide in FAA library, Pilots Handbook, Flying Websites - is a great source I personally used. And of course there is YouTube, tons of tutorial videos there.