You're not going to Traverse City then. ATP initial has to be done with an approved ATP course now, which greatly reduces your options on a type and an ATP.
Depending on his background I wouldn't recommend doing an Airbus type either unless he has considerable glass cockpit and FMS time.
A DC-3 type would be fun for sure. If he wants a jet type a CE500 type or a B737 Classic type would be easier.
Many years ago a good friend (private pilot) bought a G35 Bonanza and his insurance company told him if he was instrument rated they would lower his rates.
So he went to an advanced instrument course and got the Instrument rating, then got his discount.
A few months later he...
It's just not ratings that make you a safer pilot. Without proficiency and recurrent training the safety factor goes down tremendously.
GA pilots in general do not like and do not take any kind of recurrent training once rated and their newly learned skills atrophy quickly. In many cases...
The 100's were a very nice flying airplane and very easy to land. The 200's with the larger engines flew well, but were a little more work to get a smooth landing.
You asked about pistons (DC4/6, etc) and I replied. I have flown a lot of piston type aircraft (GA type) but not transport (DC4/6, etc)
All of my transport type experience is in Turbo Prop and Jet.