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  1. T

    Comanche drivers

    Hey gang. Buying my first Comanche 250 in a few weeks. I’ve seen some stuff about the Int’l Comanche Society having issues. Is this still the best type group to join or are there other groups for info on these planes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Air Wagner..... He’s baaaaackk.

    ...and already rolling for takeoff! Ugh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Air Wagner..... He’s baaaaackk.

    They just seem soooo sloppy with everything they do. I thought maybe I was missing something but it appears that’s this guy’s shtick Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    150 Crash New Bedford MA

    Very sad. Condolences to family. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    IR checkride question: clock

    Not entirely sure. Plane was equipped with timer which stopped working prior to exam. Had a timer to conduct the required timed hold - no timed VOR approach. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    IR checkride question: clock

    Yes indeed. Got sloppy. I had no timer for my checkride because we weren’t u see IFR - explained to DPE and used a cheap clock time attached to my knee board for time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    IR checkride question: clock

    Unless your flying in actual conditions under IFR you don’t need the panel mount. You’re probably going under the hood in VFR so the clock is not an issue Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Pilots streamed airplane bathroom video to cockpit

    Wow - now people who benefit from ADA regulations are bad - but pilots who pull childish bathroom pranks on new flight attendants are cool. I’ll stick with my first assessment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Pilots streamed airplane bathroom video to cockpit

    Well you seem to just miss the point so I’m not sure what can be gained by carrying on this debate. As a lawyer I find this type of lawsuit very puzzling and my guess is there are some missing facts. From where I sit in the cheap seats it seems like a pretty childish “prank” by grown men flying...
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    Pilots streamed airplane bathroom video to cockpit

    Yes. However attacking the woman who didn’t know it was a joke was the problem I had with your post. The knee jerk response to blame a woman for being a “whackdoo” was what I was bothered by. If you knew this was a failed attempt at a sophomore high school level prank then you should have said...
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    Dance to the Uptown Funk

    Amazing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Pilots streamed airplane bathroom video to cockpit

    Such an enlightened view. Insult the woman without any facts. What a dolt Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Any advice for new pilot flying with family?

    88 post do go off the rails! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Any advice for new pilot flying with family?

    I am an instrument rated and my brother is a CFII - I work hard at being proficient (as do many I would guess who are on POA). That helps me but it doesn’t always account for the other driver in the sky or emergencies with equipment (though rarer) - GA is a very unforgiving hobby. Nonetheless I...
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    Any advice for new pilot flying with family?

    For what it’s worth I agree with your basic premise. I too feel it’s more of an issue taking family - especially the older I get. When I was younger I took my 3 kids up frequently in my piper warrior. Now that I am a grandparent I am hesitant to take the grandkids up. BUT I must disagree that...
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    Trouble maintaining level flight

    I think one of the issues is not allowing the plane to accelerate once you level off. If you cut power too quickly and start trimming you’ll end up chasing it because the plane will slowly accelerate. I was taught to level off and let plane accelerate to expected cruise speed and then reduce...
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    Comanche gurus/Landing Gear

    What do you Comanche drivers know about the Duke landing gear transmission? Worth it? Problems? Parts availability? Etc. any input would be great. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Savvy prebuy

    I certainly plan on flying it back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Savvy prebuy

    I’m looking at purchasing a plane 1/2 way across the country. I’m considering using Savvy prebuy service and was wondering if anyone else has used them and what you’re experience has been. Purchasing a piper arrow. I know some people don’t do prebuy inspections - and I have heard horror...
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    Any advice for new pilot flying with family?

    When I first got my ppl I took my wife up early in the morning or late in the day on those calm summer nights. Quick area flight, see the foliage then back to earth. Next time a little Longer route to a nice breakfast place. My kids were little and they loved it. I think you cant overstate how...