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  1. Peter Ha

    landing with a porpoise!

    You just refreshed my memory! Yes I DO remember being short to runway and giving bit throttle to make up the difference. You're good detective, ben. :)
  2. Peter Ha

    landing with a porpoise!

    Hey folks, Tell me why I porpoised here on this landing? Had to initiate go-around because of it. :( Some background; flying C150, this is not my home airport (KHMT), there were some winds, not overgross weight, 10deg flaps. Skip to 13:30 mark:
  3. Peter Ha

    RC planes ... to full-scale

    Nice! Share maiden flight video?
  4. Peter Ha

    go-around on Cessna150

    That is great answer. Incidently, I had to go-around yesterday due to windy condition and unstablized approach at unfamiliar airport. My 150 started porpoising, I immediately initiated a go-around.
  5. Peter Ha

    go-around on Cessna150

    Hey folks, I was taught to be "spring-loaded" for go-around on every landing. Since owning my C150 the dilemma: should I come in with full-flaps or no flaps in case of go-around? I ask because my C150 can slow to crawl on approach with just power and higher AoA. This sets me up for quick...
  6. Peter Ha

    fear of prescription glasses

    I knew it, it DOES happen! :eek:
  7. Peter Ha

    fear of prescription glasses

    Hey folks, I have this re-occurring nightmare/fear of my glasses falling out the windows during flight; thereby dying in a crash. :eek: Have you ever hear this happening to someone? Thinking of carrying extra pair in glove compartment. Am I the only one with this irrational fear?
  8. Peter Ha

    RC planes ... to full-scale

    That's cool. I'd be too afraid of off-airport landing on glider. Guess you're trained to have enough altitude and thermals to reach your destination?
  9. Peter Ha

    RC planes ... to full-scale

    i'm too much chicken when it comes to EDF jets; but coolness factor is 10! :cool: Wonder if they make F-35?
  10. Peter Ha

    RC planes ... to full-scale

    I would of thought this topic was explored in past?
  11. Peter Ha

    March Air Reserve Base landing

    Landed yesterday at March Air Reserve Base (KRIV) for first time. March Approach had me squawk 1034 and land on runway 32 left. No other pilots at Million Air and staff were nice but avgas expensive($6.25) and there's $10 landing/service fee. But still a cool experience looking at those...
  12. Peter Ha

    disconnected wire?

    Hey folks, Noticed this wire disconnected inside cowling next to firewall. It's a Cessna 150M and haven't noticed before, anyone know what's for?
  13. Peter Ha

    Sump the pump

    Wow, i didn't know this. Been using MMO for few months; but didn't know it binds to water! Thanks for info!
  14. Peter Ha

    New Student Pilot

    Sounds like you had my cfi? Good move on moving on. I used GLIEM for ground also to pass written. My advice to try different cfi until a match and keep track of your progress, no one else will. Good luck!
  15. Peter Ha

    Sump the pump

    Hey folks, Yesterday spoke to local pilot who crashed due to engine stop at 200ft. VERY lucky he survived. Among few injures (head trama, broken wrist,ribs fracture,broken-foot, busted-lips) the yoke broke off during impact and the broken shaft nearly PIERCED his heart. There were several weeks...
  16. Peter Ha

    KAJO 152 off airport landing

    Spoke to the pilot and plane salvage person. Pilot said water in gas tank was the problem. After 2 landings in pattern; pilot and passenger took off, at 200ft engine died, landed hard near dirt field, short of rock embankment. Yoke broke off and the shaft nearly pierced the pilot's heart; he...
  17. Peter Ha

    At what point do the nerves calm down?

    Wow, i was same as you, age, reason for flying. Eventually bought C150 and flew solo from MO to CA (don't try this yourself). I still have healthy fear while flying (turbulence, cross-wing landings, Wx, etc). My first 'almost' IMC was scary as sh**! :eek: You solo at 15 hours? Wow, my CFI...
  18. Peter Ha

    carb heat in cold weather

    OIC, this must of been in my training lessons but I forgot the ALL-or-NOTHING. Thanks I've been trained to turn on carb-heat during pattern to land. So I'll just turn on FULL below 2000ft when it's below 70s just to be safe.
  19. Peter Ha

    carb heat in cold weather

    Hey folks, Is it best practice to turn on carb heat when weather is below 70s to prevent carb-ice? Fear of carb ice on my C150 when I see colder then normal temps while flying below 2000ft. How about turn on just a "little" carb heat to prevent carb-ice?
  20. Peter Ha

    RC planes ... to full-scale

    My Albatross