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  1. S

    "Manufacturer's Recommended Speed" vs Va for Performance Maneuvers

    I was told to be at or above poh speed for steep turn. For the stall reasons. And have always done them that way. Your CFI should have a good feel for the amount of G you are pulling for steep turns. A 45 degree bank isn’t likely to have you overloading anything. The key is to keep at 45. You...
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    Any advice?

    Try the introduction flight is a good idea. You never know if you like small planes or if you find you are deathly afraid of it because it's small, got only one failable engine etc.
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    Revoked license.

    Then it is just wasted electrons isn't it? For all we know could be fear of the color of the only commercial flight he can take instead of flying himself. Or any other explanation but adds nothing to the discussion.
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    Revoked license.

    So why mention it? Kinda like saying "no offence" in some context. No offence, but you are actually defending it a bit. :)
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    Revoked license.

    The story about revocation, are things that would have failed your check ride here in Canada. I am not surprised he hasn't been able to find anyone to sign off. The whole story is full of hazardous attitudes
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    Borescope Advice

    Can you easily get the Teslong into the space between the valve and the seat to get a pic of the stem? The rigid vividi seems to maybe make that easier? We are trying to decide which to go with.
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    What single engine trainer to buy?

    Don’t Grumman have hour limited airframes?
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    What single engine trainer to buy?

    150 or 152 will need either your buddy to be on the light side. Or only take thin young ladies for students. My CFI is a small guy and he complaint he gets too much time in the 150/152 because other instructors wouldn’t work with many students.
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    Supreme Court: Chevron Deference

    How does that impact the airport situation? Here they propose some idiotic noise ablation strategy that would have students doing tailwind landings up to something like 12 knots. All for those folks who moved in under the approach and take off path for an airport that’s been around since ww2...
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    What single engine trainer to buy?

    172 are popular for good reasons I think. Hershey bar pa28 not under the eddy current spar AD could also be a good choice. Personally having started on 172s and finished in the Cherokee, I still prefer Cessnas for number of reasons. Firstly two doors. The single door Cherokees will make...
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    Borescope Advice

    I thought it was established that you could have perfectly fine compression but valves that are showing distress visually.
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    After first solo in student owned plane

    I had to meet my instructor and tell him exactly what I was doing, and when I was to be back. And he'd ask a few questions before the flight. If he was in the air when I got back we'd debrief over the phone later. All in a private plane. Don't take risks or could end like this...
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    Finding Downwind Struggle/Sweat

    This thread will get interesting I bet. On a serious note. Which part of getting a mental picture is a problem? You should pre plan your arrival before the flight and plan the different possible patterns. FYI no 45 entry to downwind up here in Canada. You over fly and join from upwind. Use...
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    Youtube Pilot and her dad perish in TN

    So we should be expecting an episode from you where you strut it in lululemons?
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    Is it safe to fly an ultralight in the Rocky’s

    And some have gotten others killed too like the paramotor that collided with someone. I am glad we require everyone to be licensed here.
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    Airlines Blame GA for Holiday Flight Delays

    You give government too much credit. I tend to think they are more the doesn’t know their heads up their own butt type. Special interest, that I can understand but a bunch of career bureaucrats and their ever changing political masters being coherent enough for a long term plan seems bit far...
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    Yet another I hate modern cars rant

    Why it seems people have had such bad experiences with driver assist is a head scratcher for me. Neither the accord or the Chevy we drive have given so much issues. Accord was set to middle distance level and it would beep about when I normally brakes. Chevy didn’t have to touch. Accord had a...
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    ForeFlight Sentry

    Sounds about right the AHRS on mine never worked well. I am getting rid of it and replacing with something else. Too bad its got decent features.
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    If you have a stabilator, this is worth the watch.

    Why watch when you can read?
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    PA28 down near Gainesville, FL

    From the chatter they had him on guard. You can hear him like once on KSG1 feed I think?