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  1. KRyan

    2x ex-SAAF T-6 Texan Harvards - Chicago area

    How about this?
  2. KRyan

    Some Rotting Planes

    You can see in the photo the blades have riveted leading edges, just like a wood propeller, but the blades are not wood. They are made of resin-impregnated cotton cloth.
  3. KRyan

    Some Rotting Planes

    That Navion has old Hartzell "Hartzite" blades. No O/H manual for those. I think they were made to be disposable/replaceable. Haven't been made since the early 50's, I believe.
  4. KRyan

    Going to Air Venture. First time in a long time

    Well, I'll be working there, so I won't be able to make the rounds, but hopefully I'll be able to talk to some of you while I'm there.
  5. KRyan

    Going to Air Venture. First time in a long time

    Do "POA Types" have any "high sign, " or secret handshake, or anything like that. If I've never met you (except on this forum) how can I recognize my fellow POA'ers?
  6. KRyan

    Gravel bar landings -why?

    And not be forced to buy deceptively labeled 2x4’s.
  7. KRyan

    Why request "VFR On Top" Mr. Bungle?

    If you don't act like Mr. Bungle, you are given a huge piece of cake. That's reason enough not to act like Mr. Bungle.
  8. KRyan

    From the . . . "I'm here to help" file

    Another thing to consider - The Feds may not actually own/have the materials. I've put on presentations at FAAST seminars, and the material I presented was mine, not the FAA's.
  9. KRyan

    Buying an Amphib

    I bet this guy would give you a smokin' deal!
  10. KRyan

    Anybody gonna fly your airplane to see the total eclipse of the Sun?

    I don't have a Lear Jet. (since we are making song references)
  11. KRyan

    Cost for prop overhaul

    With or without de-ice?
  12. KRyan

    [NA] Am I a Racist? [NA]

    Maybe you made the mistake because you Smell Like Whiskey.
  13. KRyan

    For Sale Hartzell propellers for sale

    This is NOT a Hartzell propeller. Looks like it's a Flotorp Electric.
  14. KRyan


    What possible use could an "Amish guy" have for a car?
  15. KRyan

    Good restaurants in/near Oshkosh?

    Try Blanck's Supper Club in Johnsburg. It's a bit off the beaten path, but the food is good and the prices are too. Their porterhouse steak brings to mind "The Old 96'er," but it is very good & tender.
  16. KRyan

    Check out this weird seaplane

    I think the owners of this would be willing to sell. Maybe I should have posted this in the "Rotting Planes" thread.
  17. KRyan

    Hell has frozen over....

    In Dante's Inferno, Lucifer is imprisoned in ice in the deepest, lowest part of Hell, so theoretically, Hell has been frozen for a long time.
  18. KRyan

    27 story high aviation monument proposed for Ohio

    The best argument I heard on this subject was "so if you go to Burger King and get a Whopper to eat at home, does that make your house "The Home Of The Whopper"?
  19. KRyan

    It can be done

    If I get where you are going, another name is "Goat Willow" according to Wiki, only you don't want goats.
  20. KRyan

    Doolittle raiders, 75 years!

    They had a nice event at Grimes Field (Urbana OH.) over the Easter weekend. They were expecting approx. 17 B-25's. Don't know how many made it there, but they sure were busy! They flew down to WPAFB either today or yesterday for an event down there. Lt. Dick Cole will be in attendance. Wish I...