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  1. O

    First airplane you took flight in?

    Delta DC3 out of Chicago (Midway). Grand old gal!:)
  2. O

    Challenger go with throttle up.

    I was at MCO awaiting my flight to NEW. As word spread throughout the concourse (it was a lot smaller then) an eerie quiet spread just as fast. Folks peered out the large glass windows for a view of the broken contrails. Those of us from Central Florida knew what had happened long before the...
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    Left Handed Pilots

    Not any different than a right-handed CFI sitting in the right seat.
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    Falcon 20 gear up at Scottsdale

    Nope! Any landing you can walk away from and reuse the airplane is a good one.:yes:
  5. O

    IFR Clearences

    Herein may lie the problem. He flies with the same school that has had several "incidents" including, and I love this one, a student that followed his GPS to a "runway" that was lined with mailboxes and driveways! Yep, a road! Would like to have been there listening to his explanation.:rofl: