Search results

  1. J

    Diabetic Pilot Introduction

    I sent you a personal e-mail, and I have appointments with the Ophthalmologist, Endocrinologist, and Sleep Doctor. And, for fun, I'm getting certified with Civil Air Patrol to do Search & Rescue missions (sitting in the back, as a scanner).
  2. J

    Bose Aviation Headset (First Model)

    So, here is some information on the Series 1 and 2 headsets: The power plug on the series 2 (the ones without the clear back where you can see the electronics. Those are Series 1) is a TT Bantam plug, and you can find them at Mouser: The Series 2 plug into a UJ2B jack on the Series 2 battery...
  3. J

    Bose Aviation Headset (First Model)

    I will do that later today. What I did was make a battery box and use the power connectors that are on the 2nd generation connectors (I'm expecting the parts today) and a car jump starter battery that I'm going to put in a box, so 6 people can use them. For the battery, it needs 12-24ish...
  4. J

    Diabetic Pilot Introduction

    Steve, and the Doctors, For the quarterly endocrinological visits required for the continuance of the Class 3 Medical, I am used to a semi-annual Endocrinologist visit, and my A1c is typically about 6.2% +/- 0.5. The usual conversation goes like this: "Your A1c looks good, any issues?" "No."...
  5. J

    Help me understand BasicMed and and conditions other than the "big three" for a new pilot.

    In reading the 77 page document at I see that, in section IX: "Section 2307(e)(1) of FESSA states that an individual who has qualified for the third-class medical certificate exemption under subsection (a) of section 2307 and...
  6. J

    Funding flight school?

    To the OP, I'll go about it a bit nicer... I'm in your shoes, and what I'm doing is saving money, and looking for a job delivering pizzas on Friday and Saturday nights to get the money. (as for my main job, I'm an engineer at a major airplane company that has a credit score of 833, but I'm not...
  7. J

    Retake Medical

    Understand... His journey will be easier than mine. Everything I said is true, though.
  8. J

    Retake Medical

    Being a Type I Diabetic, reach out to Dr. Chien. Also, before you do, take a look at: around page 235, and bring any questions to Dr. Chien. Think of it as "pre-flight" for your medical...
  9. J


    I had RK (where they take a scalpel and cut your cornea), and the valium did the trick. It was like being drunk with no hangover, and as the good citizens of many beach towns in Florida and the city of Phoenix, AZ can attest, me being drunk is a pretty funny thing to watch.
  10. J


    I usually, when I'm in a smart-aleck mood, say, "C-O-P-Y-R-I-G-H-T- 1-9-4-8" "What? It was the smallest line on there!"
  11. J

    Question: Career as a Female Pilot?

    Amy is a local up here in Everett, and I would have no problem taking instruction from her. She is top notch, serious about flying, nice, and took my daughters, during Aviation Days over to an airplane (C-172) and explained to my two younger daughters (8 and 10) about the control surfaces on...
  12. J

    Pilot displaying dangerous behavior.

    Having dealt with this kind of situation before (not in the pilot world, but in other things*), to the OP, do this: 1. WRITE DOWN the facts of the case. If you do this from memory, you're screwed. i.e. "On 12/25/16 3:00am, the person came down the chimney with a bag of something. He was...
  13. J

    Taking a Stratux on an Airliner

    I won't be. However, I do get the full pat down each time I get on an airplane due to my insulin pump not being allowed through the X-Ray equipment. The last two times, like I said, no worries. Actually, it probably looks worse on the X-Ray. The hammer part probably looks like a large...
  14. J

    Taking a Stratux on an Airliner

    I asked TSA (over the Internet) if I could bring this on an aircraft: "No Problem" In the TSA line, it went through in my backpack twice. I have a setup where I use the 12V battery to power my Bose headphones that I got off of Craigslist for $25/ea.
  15. J

    Good advice for ppl students

    I wish the CFI had told me NOT to try to get a medical, but would have given me something more than 'do your research'. If you want/need a medical, go here and see if your condition is listed in it...
  16. J

    Drugs not allowed - Can I fly after the waiting period?

    In speaking with FAA Medical at the Arlington, WA Fly-In (Thank you FAA for having them there!) this summer, they told me that a certain drug that I was using was on their list, and the FAA doctor sitting next to the person I was talking with said, "yeah, it takes 6 days until it is clear of...
  17. J

    Whats this icon

    It looks like "no alcohol on final" like those "don't drink and drive" signs on the freeway.
  18. J

    Please help with FAA medical

    That was more of a personal opinion, meaning that if you're using 14CFR 61.23.c.2.iv to say, "well, I didn't think that my untreated rabies would render me unable to fly the aircraft, but the FAA won't let me get a Class 3 Medical," you're still unsafe.
  19. J

    Please help with FAA medical

    To the OP, thank you for your service, and I wish someone had put something like this together for me, or I had found it. I was told by the flight school, "Go to MedXPress and get your medical" after I told them I had diabetes. Going through the SI Process for T1 Diabetes, and for those that...
  20. J

    Five airplanes for sale

    Deuces are WILD!