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  1. A

    Is the phrase "rolling" useful?

    Clear, concise and detailed communication is key on the military side. Everyone in your flight, and if able, everyone in the AOR (area of responsibility) knowing exactly what you are doing and you knowing what they are doing will surely lead to victory. See the 5:58 mark of this aerial combat...
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    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    I think the store is misnamed. It should be “You Don’t Brake, I Fix”.
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    Red Bull Pilots to Swap Planes in Midair

    There was also talk after about the ballast they used. It sounds like during the tests they used a safety pilot that stayed in the planes. For the actual event I gathered that they replaced the safety pilot weight with extra fuel and may have raised the CG which isn’t a factor in level flight...
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    Red Bull Pilots to Swap Planes in Midair

    In this case he walked away after landing a different airplane. Does he get dual landing credit? Only person in history to log a takeoff, crash and successful landing on the same flight I think.
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    Red Bull Pilots to Swap Planes in Midair

    Watching them climb to altitude now. Hopefully the guy flying the silver plane remembers to strap up his helmet.
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    DHL 757 in the dirt in San Jose, Costa Rica

    Thread derail: Man, they park the planes close together in San Jose. Overlapping wings and tails isn’t something I’m use to seeing.
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    "...pilot pressed a button 'no qualified pilot would' "

    I bet it was the 20% tip button in an airport restaurant.
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    Well, that's gonna be life changing, right?

    I’d say your due for a screen name change to Mr. Söze.
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    Well, that's gonna be life changing, right?

    Dang, that’s some mastermind level planning/mind f***ery. Have you by chance ever been a member of a barber shop quartet in Skokie, Illinois or picked coffee beans down in Guatemala?
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    Which is the better FBO job? Front Desk or Line Tech / Fueler?

    Being a line tech was easily my favorite non-flying job. Our operation was small enough (4-10 pm the line tech was the only employee there) that I did both refueling and behind the desk work. If I had to choose between the two I enjoyed being outside working with the planes more than sitting...
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    Caption this photo

    (Can you caption a photo with a photo?)
  12. A

    Plane for my mission (in combo with Tesla???)

    Have you considered a Comanche?
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    Red Bull Pilots to Swap Planes in Midair

    Are they jumping with or without fire extinguishers strapped to their ankles and selfie sticks in hand?
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    Fuel transfer from jerrycan to airplane I use something like this to transfer 5 gallon cans into my vehicles. I put the can on top of a small...
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    Dumb war question

    ;) * sniff * sniff * The smug is getting thick in here. ;)
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    Name that thing

    You’ve got the right idea but wrong food. It’s actually used by African swallows to better grip a coconut.
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    Honeywell Anthem NBAA

    Tell me you work for Honeywell without telling me you work for Honeywell.
  18. A

    Who gets to name fixes?

    SAMMY is the IAF for the ILS 36 into Hurlburt, coincidentally Sammy’s is the name of a “Gentleman’s” club in Fort Walton Beach.
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    Philips Sonicare

    That’s how it went when mine finally crapped out after three years. Had to use it like a regular toothbrush until the replacement was delivered. It reminded me of Mitch Hedberg’s joke about escalators.
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    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    There’s some gems in there. Death by “Over laid” doesn’t sound so bad. Killed by several accidents or teeth deaths maybe not so much.