Search results

  1. gismo

    What causes stalls?

    Nothing wrong with Ron's post. Point the nose at the Earth directly below and you won't ever stall. ;) In any case the concept of "taking away lift" is nonsensical in this context. How do you do that? Remove the wings? Baring that the only way I know of to transition to zero lift while in...
  2. gismo

    KX-155 Refurbishment, Replace??

    I sent an email to (I think that's you) with a copy of the KX165A display board schematic and a sketch of a level translator that should bring those HV outputs back to logic levels. An alternative would be to piggyback on the connector feeding the display signals from...
  3. gismo

    Formation Flight Question?

    The only situation where something more than just the intent/agreement to fly multiple planes in close proximity is legally required is if you want to fly formation in what's called "waivered airspace". An example would be doing a fly-by (in formation) at Oshkosh.
  4. gismo

    Speeding camera ticket

    If the posted limits were strictly enforced they would for the most part be "complied with" but they're not and the result is that in many places 5-10mph is the "norm", not the exception. Wishing it were otherwise may be futile but certainly an acceptable choice. I do admit I interpreted your...
  5. gismo

    Living next to a construction site for over a year (beep beep beep beep)

    Sensors can be aimed so they only cover the direction the equipment is headed, that would of course cost more though. Chances are that as more cities enact construction noise limitations there will be more cost effective solutions than adding an extra watcher for every piece of equipment that...
  6. gismo

    Corvette kills Cessna in Spanish Fork...

    If insurance companies could exclude liability (protection for the public) there would be gaping holes in every low bit insurance contract. I believe most states have laws regarding what must be covered by a car owner's liability insurance policy and I seriously doubt that those laws allow a...
  7. gismo

    Living next to a construction site for over a year (beep beep beep beep)

    If you combined the existing beeper with a prox sensor the beeper would only sound (to warn both the driver and a worker) when the equipment was backing towards a person or object and I'd bet that on most sites this would eliminate 90+% of the beeping without reducing safety. And FWIW, if...
  8. gismo

    Corvette kills Cessna in Spanish Fork...

    The might not cover the cost for repairs of the insured car but they can't "decline" to pay for any liabilities to other parties (e.g. the airplane owner).
  9. gismo

    Speeding camera ticket

    The only way a slower driver can "cause people not to speed" is by blocking traffic. I think you'll find that drivers who attempt to "enforce" speed limits by blocking traffic in the left lanes with no one ahead of them cause nothing but road rage. BTW, many if not most states have laws...
  10. gismo

    Flat approaches & landings - wth?

    And that's ignoring the fact that with a normal approach (i.e. flaps and 1.3 Vso speed) unless you aim at least 1500 ft past the threshold or fly your entire approach with the throttle closed completely you probably won't end up touching down on the runway if you lose your (only) engine at the...
  11. gismo

    Speeding camera ticket

    Perhaps because of the likelihood of getting run over by the 95% of drivers who regularly run 5-10 mph over the limit?
  12. gismo

    recommenations for handheld radio

    I've got three handhelds (one's dead now) and none had the problem you described. An external antenna does improve range dramatically, especially when transmitting.
  13. gismo

    KX-155 Refurbishment, Replace??

    I have the MM for a KX155A which uses a different display but it's still plasma. The interface has serial row and column data plus clocks. The column signals are 5V TTL levels but the row stuff switches between -180 and -190 V.
  14. gismo

    Why no IMC at night?

    It will hold 10-11 thousand and even higher if I'm 100-200 lbs below MGW. But even when you're above the SE ceiling, in a twin on one engine your "glide ratio" (drift down) is more like a high performance sailplane instead of the 1.5nm per thousand you'd be lucky to get in most retractable singles.
  15. gismo

    lighting control

    I guess a two transistor circuit to dim the panel lights is just too advanced technology wise for an airplane with an engine designed a significant fraction of a century ago.
  16. gismo

    Property tax harassment by our greedy county

    You may have missed the part where God says he don't need no stinkin money".
  17. gismo

    what happens

    I thought the first step was to figure out who borrowed the tool(s) you need. I moved the primer from the spot above the carb to the ports on two cylinders. Works much better there when the engine is cold.
  18. gismo

    How many accidents have you seen?

    I didn't see the actual crash but I was sitting on the other runway ready to depart when he stalled in. Didn't get airborne for another 3 hours and then only after begging repeatedly.
  19. gismo

    Why no IMC at night?

    Where'd you get that idea? The only twin I know of that won't hold at least a few thousand feet on one is the original Piper Apache. My Baron will climb a couple hundred FPM at gross weight at 8000 DA.