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  1. Rebel Lord

    Flying issues with the other half..

    She’s a pretty late riser. And it’s barely 10am here and it’s already 90 degrees She’s actually more open to fly at night because In her words she won’t be able to see which makes her more comfortable.
  2. Rebel Lord

    Flying issues with the other half..

    Just got married Saturday, wife Is terrified of flying. She has never flown on anything ever. She’s agreed to a 20 minute flight. I’m trying to figure out how to make her first experience the best ever so she would want to do it again. I really wish it was not summer because the 100 degree...
  3. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    Moved in with her, just finished getting a guest room converted to my office :D
  4. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    Update: Mission accomplished
  5. Rebel Lord

    Next word that comes to mind...

  6. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    Well guys I’m getting married in a few hours! Wish me luck!
  7. Rebel Lord

    Twin engine crash off bahamas

    Well judging from the video recovering the wreck won’t be a problem to determine the cause
  8. Rebel Lord

    Another constant speed prop question

    Yeah I’ve also heard a lot of about this square stuff. The only square conditions I fly at is explicitly called for at 24 2400 for cruise climb
  9. Rebel Lord

    Another constant speed prop question

    Ive been flying the Cherokee 235 for 5 months now. Still learning the airplane but I generally feel very confident in it and moving the new to me blue knob. One question though is for producing a given HP percentage what are the pros and cons of using the different rpms and manifold pressures...
  10. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    I’m kinda sad today, she turned 21 today and she’s sick as a dog. I’ve been over at her house taking care of her past couple days. She has strep and a cold and we are getting married in 3 days. I hope the antibiotics really clear everything up by tomorrow. :(
  11. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    Still trying to figure out what we are going to do with our money. She is very conservative with money and she’s been on me to sit down with her and make a budget. As far as God in our relationship I can say he definitely is. We both are part of the same church and that’s how we met. We...
  12. Rebel Lord

    The nasty black hole

    The past couple flights I got in late and my landings were after dark. I actually think my landings were softer than in the day, the reason I think is during the day time I cut the power over the numbers and let it come down like a brick while at night my landing lights are pretty dim so i kept...
  13. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    I bought her a beta fish lol
  14. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    Im about to turn 23, I told her we are lucky because most people dont find the love of their lives for years.
  15. Rebel Lord

    Would you?

    How Heres a question, Would yall rather fly 4 hours over water in clear day or 4 hours over forest and mountains? I fly around a lake that is heavily populated and then thick forest with 50' pines. I've often thought that if I lost my engine I would ditch in the lake rather than hit a house...
  16. Rebel Lord

    Would you?

    Do you think a light twin at gross would have any different outcome if it lost an engine?
  17. Rebel Lord

    Would you?

    With my cherokee 235 and 84 gallon tip tanks I could theoretically do it and still land with a hour of fuel. This kind of makes me want to get my multi engine.
  18. Rebel Lord

    Would you?

    about 700nm
  19. Rebel Lord

    Would you?

    If this cut your fuel cost and travel times by over half and it was sky clear all the way there, would you in your plane?
  20. Rebel Lord

    The truth of being maried w/ kids exposed....

    Im getting married in 5 days and my bride turns 21 in 2 days :biggrin: Any advice?