Search results

  1. cgrab

    “Approved” to land long

    I regularly ask if we are using 36 since the hangars at at the north end of 12000 and 10000 ft runways. Most of the times they will approve but once in a while they say they have traffic behind me and I need to get down and out of the way.
  2. cgrab

    Wheelchair Plane Options

    I bought my Cardinal because my wife had bad knees. She has had them replaced since then but still likes the low access. An instructor at Langley AFB used a wheelchair or a cane. He would fold up his chair and put it in the back of a 172 while instructing.
  3. cgrab

    Don't you just hate it

    The people who were so good at coronavirus modelling have moved into weather forecasting. I make two plans every evening-one to fly and one not. That way I'm not pressured to take flight.
  4. cgrab

    Do You Wash Your Wife's Car?

    Why haven't I seen the Carl's Jr ad yet? No, I don't wash her car or my car. She takes hers to get detailed and mine gets no TLC. I do wash my plane though.
  5. cgrab

    CDC Warns of Aggressive, Cannibal Rats

    Rats have always been cannibals. It scares me when ostensibly respectable organizations sensationalize everyday things for their own recognition.
  6. cgrab

    Best high schools in the nation

    At a high school ceremony to honor my son as Scholar Athlete of the Year, the Principal asked me what I did to support him and I told him my philosophy of education boiled down to the seven words to a smarter kid: "What did you learn in school today?" In addition to the child getting one more...
  7. cgrab


    The one thing I can't stand and it has caused me to stop watching the news is what I call "If True....News." The reader will make an unsubstantiated statement then say, "If true" and go off on a wild description of the future filled with opinion.
  8. cgrab

    To mask or not to mask?

    I took the "Trump-drug" and lived. The medical screening was something like "Are you getting on the plane?"
  9. cgrab

    Is AOPA that hard up?

    If you auto-renew you don't get the hat or the 10 dollars off.
  10. cgrab

    To mask or not to mask?

    I (partially) read a study that said COVID patients stated they had a loss of taste/smell more frequently than an elevated temperature prior to onset of other symptoms. Would it make sense to have several flavored aerosols and spray them in the air and ask patrons what they smell before...