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  1. J

    Plane Prices

    Take gas, blend in water, remove ethanol. Takes roughly a week or so if you do it correctly. That's the simple version without drawing a PFD for you. Not sure why its causing so much anger all of a sudden like I'm threatening peoples jobs or calling them stupid... It's also fairly off topic...
  2. J

    Plane Prices

    That's not what I was claiming, sorry for the confusion. I was trying to explain that boosting octane was as simple as scrubbing ethanol from regular pump gas. Neither of them are a hard process. I personally would scrub the ethanol and then boost the octane.
  3. J

    Plane Prices

    You can convert fuel fairly cheaply. Most people don't know this because most don't make fuel and additives for a living but if 100ll went away people would just buy pump gas and make it themselves. Just like you can clean fuel with water and take out the ethanol.
  4. J

    Plane Prices

    I kicked around the idea of buying a plane for months. Was the market overpriced? will it come down? will I be upside down in my loan? If the world goes to crap can I get out and be fine? Then one day I read a post that resonated with me. The guy said," It doesn't matter what you do a plane will...
  5. J

    First Buy and Understanding Taxes

    Thank you everyone. I believe I have it figured out.
  6. J

    First Buy and Understanding Taxes

    So an occasional sale means I don't have to pay taxes at all? That doesn't seem right... Am I understanding that correctly?
  7. J

    First Buy and Understanding Taxes

    occasional sale exemption sounds good. Nebraska has a fly away exemption which seems like it covers me from paying their tax since it's immediately leaving the state. Only I'm not sure.
  8. J

    First Buy and Understanding Taxes

    I found the Texas Use Tax Return, I believe that's probably what you are talking about. You think I won't have to pay an out of state tax also? According to research, I can claim any out of state tax paid against what I owe Texas. If I pay the 8.25% I owe Texas and then Nebraska comes back and...
  9. J

    Best Instrument Checkride Questions

    About to start my instrument and it's like learning how to fly all over again... goodness
  10. J

    First Buy and Understanding Taxes

    Like the title says, I'm buying my first airplane and I can't seem to make sense of how the taxes work. I'm in Texas and I'm trying to purchase an out of state aircraft. This is a person to person purchase so I'm not buying from a business. When and where do I pay the taxes on this? How do I...
  11. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    Honestly I don't even remember. I'm shot. I do remember saying, "oh I know this one from a question I just read" but I can't remember it now for the life of me.
  12. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    Well I passed everyone. Thanks for all the tips cause I heard a few of these questions.6 hours long and gust 26 by the time we landed for the last time. Brutal stressful day. All headwind or I would have canceled.
  13. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    You can get special clearance to depart to the west but don't you need a radio?
  14. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    Just try and land really hard? JK, I never thought of that question. So many good questions... I would assume you hydroplane close to rotate speed which is 59kts for me
  15. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    looking at this make we wonder what I do know. but I'll take a shot at it as I have a checkride date now and want to practice as much as possible. not sure to be honest cause the tower is 125.6 and the common is 122.95. You got me on this one. I thought a VOR at first but there isn't one The...
  16. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    I'll take an educated guess at this but it looks like it's telling you to stop as this is the approach area for runway 15. Need to be aware of potential wake turbulence and get clearance to cross it?
  17. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    No there is a dollar sign? I'll have to go look at that but I can't help but feel like I'm being trolled I never knew there was one...I'm assuming to zero it out?
  18. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    18lbs. I actually just saw that somewhere I believe otherwise I wouldn't know. I doubt that's a pass or fail question
  19. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    So class G you just need to be clear of clouds am I reading that correctly? Doesn't matter how far? I just looked it up in the FAR/AIM
  20. J

    Ask me your hardest checkride questions

    Could you explain because I'm not getting it and I'm not buying the answers I've seen given. On the side of caution I would say no and not even try it. If I were just plying the pattern there could be a maybe that's leagal based on elevation of the ground... Truthfully I'm a little lost. Highest...