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  1. woodchucker

    172 Crash near KFWN (Sussex County)

    Maybe let’s get some more information before completely jumping the shark here?
  2. woodchucker

    IPad Mini 6 for Foreflight

    Couple other thoughts: 1) Buy the max memory available (unless you know for a fact that you won’t ever need it) 2) I bought my mini-5 refurbed through Apple. Comes good as new while saving a few bucks. 3) The mini fits perfectly on the yoke
  3. woodchucker

    IPad Mini 6 for Foreflight

    I have a mini-5 w/out cellular. Works fine with my Sentry.
  4. woodchucker

    Moab tour operators

    I’ll second Dead Horse. Absolutely stunning views there. The hike to delicate arch is relatively short but worth it also. I’m not familiar with the services at the FBO other than getting avgas there. I would just give them a call.
  5. woodchucker

    Shopping for a watch any suggestions

    I do have a Garmin and it is overkill. I mostly utilize it for activity/health/sleep tracking and not intercepting a course to the nearest field.
  6. woodchucker

    Jet pack sighting mystery solved?

    NYS. Never again. Lived there from mid to late 80’s and later 90’s for Navy training. Never again. I’ll stay out west tyvm.
  7. woodchucker


    Flying requires a level of confidence. If I haven’t flown for a month I’ll take a cfi up with me. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact I’m maybe an outlier but I’ll fly with a cfi more often than not. My work and financial circumstances limit my flying time. When I do fly without a cfi...
  8. woodchucker

    COVID Vaccine Booster

    Might be worth a chat with your AME? I’m curious when I am up for a booster. Got the Moderna back in Feb/March. As a low risk group person I might need to wait a bit for the original vaccinations to percolate.
  9. woodchucker

    No Ammeter Reading - Would You Scrub?

    I witnessed a university flight school plane start up and try to taxi with two tie down straps and one wheel chock in place. They shut down, freed the plane and hopped back in to fly. I was thinking to myself if that was me I would pack it up and head to the local bar for lunch and a cold one.
  10. woodchucker

    How did you find aviation?

    I learned much later in life that my dad learned how to fly around when I was born. He ended up making aviation a career but during my formative years ran a construction company instead of flying so I never picked up the bug from him. I guess I’ve always been fascinated with planes. Like most of...
  11. woodchucker

    Need some advice. What would I request from ATC in this case?

    I used to worry about stuff like that while flying out of the KSLC Bravo. Now I don’t. Just tell the controller what you want in plane English. I was on an outbound local XC but wanted to circle the school I teach at for some video. Just throw in the request.
  12. woodchucker

    GlaStar down, Waukesha WI

    I get the leans now and then, but the worse was during primary training and was with my instructor at night over a desert. Glad I had my seatbelt on because I might have just gone right out the door. I also have gotten myself from clear and forever VFR into clouds and rain that were trapped in a...
  13. woodchucker

    Plane crashes into homes in San Diego, Ca

    Adding another thought about ctl. I’m slowly working my way through IR training. One of my CFIIs shared how a student was failed on a checkride. The normal missed approach to the runway is a right turn west due to mountains to the east. The DPE let the pilot complete the circle then when on...
  14. woodchucker

    What questions do I ask/watch out for at a flying club?

    It’s a good idea to ask about insurance. I’m a member of an equity club and an insurance policy is provided for all members so there is no need to carry my own insurance policy. You might want to ask to see their flight scheduler to see how availability looks on the calendar. No matter what...
  15. woodchucker

    When to lean?

    Don’t forget to lean in cruise also.
  16. woodchucker

    Confessions of a Cherokee Pilot

    I once had a bunch of self-doubt about the caps after starting up a 172. Shut down and verified. Much better than blasting off carrying that doubt into the sky.
  17. woodchucker

    Fit of nostalgia

    1000 fpm up to 10? Does it have rocket assist? Me and my tiny wife get maybe 250-300 max out of our club 150 beginning at 5400. When I launched solo just me and camping gear from 7600 I think I was getting near 50-100 fpm.
  18. woodchucker

    Spirit Pax Get To Ride The Slides

    Thank you! I probably should know that but haven’t flown commercial for about 20 years.
  19. woodchucker

    Routing advice for ferrying Piper Archer from Philadelphia to Los Angeles

    Realistically, it is a good planning tool to go by. I fly a 172, a Cherokee, and a Tiger at those altitudes here in Utah. 11.5 is my maximum vfr cruise planned flight. On a westbound trip that would be 10.5. OP could easily fly I-80 through Wyoming and salt lake and then follow I-15 down to...
  20. woodchucker

    Spirit Pax Get To Ride The Slides

    I do not know this. Is there a left side/right side slide selection?