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  1. flhrci

    CNBC - What Happened To Blimps?

  2. flhrci

    A parting gift for the contestant....

    @Half Fast The Company wants to know if you will be spraying this year or not? They have not heard from you. :)
  3. flhrci

    Can I update Iphone to 14.3 now that 14.4 is out?

    I can accept that.
  4. flhrci

    Can I update Iphone to 14.3 now that 14.4 is out?

    So what Foreflight says outweighs Apple telling the whole world to please update now to close security holes? Interesting.
  5. flhrci

    Aerobatics in a Warrior

    It wasn't the fear of acro, but the fear of the wing breaking off. I wan to try some acro some day.
  6. flhrci

    Aerobatics in a Warrior

    The picture she showed of her plane upside down scares the crap out of me as a CFI. I don't blame her for being angry.
  7. flhrci

    Does this video trigger you?

    This is for the people that for example don't care for partial donuts being left in the box. LOL Attention @Sac Arrow !!!!
  8. flhrci


    I thought that was Cirrus, which will be ignored.
  9. flhrci


    I believe you ignored or forgot Bonanza,
  10. flhrci

    A parting gift for the contestant....

    So @Half Fast , what will be your next job? LOL
  11. flhrci

    sweet !

    Nice bird! I love the detailed paint. I am not sure I have seen any of those around.
  12. flhrci


    POA of course!
  13. flhrci

    The 'Why aren't there any more rant threads?' Rant

    Mine used to until I let the SiriusXM UConnect services die last week. Didn't use it hat way anyway.
  14. flhrci

    Underwear that'll change your life

    If you want to use leaves, that is your business. :)
  15. flhrci

    It's ok really [RANT]

    Its this thing that people on-grid use for communication (self-gratification and complaining.) LOL You must be off-grid! :)
  16. flhrci

    A parting gift for the contestant....

    Congrats! Looks like a nice watch. Now, back to work! LOL
  17. flhrci

    The 'Why aren't there any more rant threads?' Rant

    Came back in December I think. You'd better hurry!
  18. flhrci

    The 'Why aren't there any more rant threads?' Rant

    [Micro-RANT]I went to McD's tonight for a McRib before they are gone. It seemed like a half gallon of BBQ sauce was on it. It was hard to eat do to the mess.[End Micro-RANT]
  19. flhrci

    Have you ever seen a ghost or UFO

    Is this an alien rant? :)
  20. flhrci

    Aviation cartoon of the day
