Search results

  1. ksandrew

    Non standard phraseology: Does that bug controllers?

    I have carefully read all three pages of this post and I think that one of the big points of standard phrases has been missed. I assume for most of you that English is your mother language, or the slaughtered version of American English. For none English speakers by using standard phraseology...
  2. ksandrew

    flying in europe

    First of all you will find it quite difficult flying in Europe. The whole world follows a set of rules for aviation, except the USA. For some unknown reason we have to change everything rather than following the rules that we helped develop. I would pick up a CFI and fly with him for a while...
  3. ksandrew

    O2 on the cheap

    Oxygen is so cheap and available if you know how to do it. 1. Go to yard sales or ebay and buy a 20 cu ft medical oxygen bottle, I generally pay about $10.00 for one. Remember the previous owner is deceased and the government paid for the cylinder. 2. Take it to Air products and get a new...
  4. ksandrew

    Good day

    I did the same thing as you did, almost 50 years ago.
  5. ksandrew

    Panel-mount backup attitude options...

    I owned and flew a Commander 112B Hotshot for six years. Because of the turbo standby vac from engine was not an option. She came fitted with selector valve where I could switch over to vacuum from a venturi. Very neatly mounted on the belly and worked perfectly. I had one vac pump failure...
  6. ksandrew

    Mildly airsick during IFR training in moderate turbulence

    I used to get a little airsick and wheezy in IFR conditions, I found that the solution was to include an emotional support animal in the crew. Once I started taking Chainsaw on the flights everything was fine. I will not fly hard IFR without him. Ken
  7. ksandrew

    Runway Incursions.

    The FAA has stated that many runway incursions are caused by pilots getting confused. And they are going to fix it. Life is a barrel of fun. Ken
  8. ksandrew

    Can we talk about checklists

    This is a very interesting discussion. I changed planes six years ago (exact same plant) and my check list went the the old plane. New on did not have one and I have never made one for it. Before departure mental check list consists of scanning left to right and then down the center console...
  9. ksandrew

    Private backyard strip owners...How long and what are you flying out of it?

    My home strip is 4600' (18-36) and my crosswind runway is 2000 (07-25) 296 msl. Fly a Commander 112 Tubo Normasized. Ken
  10. ksandrew

    "updating" the altimeter on a cross country

    For what it is worth. I do not update when I hear center talk to other aircraft. I have in the past only to have to change it back later. Some centers cover a very large area and may be talking to aircraft 200 miles away on another frequency. they give me altimeter updates more than I...
  11. ksandrew

    Flying Nightmares

    The great part about a dream is when you wake up and your plane is not damaged. I have had a couple of gear up landings in dreams. The weirdest one of all was when one of my employees wanted to give me a nice surprise by washing the plane. He taxied it down the road to the car wash and...
  12. ksandrew

    background checks for EAA Young Eagles pilots?

    You can count me out of all future Young Eagle Flights. It is not what they want to do, it is how they do it. If I could just get one background check and then carry a card in my wallet that would be OK. It could be as secure as my drivers license with a picture. I used to volunteer at a...
  13. ksandrew


    Thanks for the leads. The first two look like the most likely to fill the bill. Like you said it is trying to prove a negative. Rather than just challenging them to take me to court I am trying to find a gentle way out first. Rather keep it all friendly at the moment. They are on my...
  14. ksandrew


    Hi All. I am looking for an aviation attorney in the State of Georgia. The listing in directories is very poor. What I have found out so far is as follows. 1. To call yourself an aviation attorney you may or may not have a listing in the yellow pages under Aviation Attorney. 2. Ninety...
  15. ksandrew

    Ferry Pilot

    Brien. I think you have a very valid point here. The folks replying to your post are obviously not employers in the real world. As an employer I would never ever break any of the employment laws, I would not discount a pianist because he had no hands, or a bouncer with one leg. I had...
  16. ksandrew

    NA - Geo Thermal Heat/Air Replacement?

    Hi, I live in South Georgia close to the Florida line. Have open loop geothermal and it has worked great. Unit is down and as it is 30 yrs old I am replacing it with a new one. Quotes I am getting are all under $4000 for a 2.5 ton unit. Same ducting of course, the open loop comes from...
  17. ksandrew

    Finding hangar space

    If there are 15 people on the hangar list, chances are that all 15 are on the waiting list at 27 other airports. Do the math. Ken
  18. ksandrew

    PROP Noise

    Thank you all for the good information.. A lot of stuff that I did not know. Ken
  19. ksandrew

    PROP Noise

    Hi. Trying to be a good neighbor and especially during deer season I am trying to make my morning departure from a private strip as quiet as possible. I recorded a visitor departing in the same plane that I have and was surprised by the prop noise. He was at gross weight. I seem to...
  20. ksandrew

    Got yelled at by ATC....

    Hi All. I have been following this post with great interest, I fly into Orlando Class Bravo on a regular basis vfr and have difficulties at times. After reading for the last few days I was of the opinion that I should wait for the magic words before entering. Today while working in my...