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  1. OkieAviator

    Going for my Recreational Pilot's Certificate... questions

    It's not just local though. The Secret Society of CFIs is not well known as no one has infiltrated their ranks as of yet. What we do know though is that members take a blood oath and membership is for life. We also know they control the very fabric of aviation through carefully controlled and...
  2. OkieAviator

    New convertible Cirrus

    Oh man that sucks
  3. OkieAviator

    Real TAS for Planes?

    Well maintained airplanes will keep to their specs. I'm not up to speed on what's out there to rent but there are quite a few planes faster than a 172.
  4. OkieAviator

    150 knots for $150k

    Friend sold his RV-10 last year for sub $150K. It was pretty much per the plans, steam gauges with a carborated engine... however it went well above 150 knots. I think wrapped out I got it to 178... I can only get mine to 174 :(
  5. OkieAviator

    Night IFR, a whole new ballgame

    I put red lights in my plane for the spooky visual effect. I actually never have them on though because I have all glass. Night IFR in IMC with a steam gauges, no autopilot plane is intense though. Did it once and that was enough for me.
  6. OkieAviator

    Flitecharts on G500 - yeah or nay?

    I have a dual 10" touch G3X setup, along with a GTN 650. I prefer to view and utilize the charts on my MFD vs fiddling with an Ipad. I have no issues reading or manipulating the charts.
  7. OkieAviator

    Pre IPC practice

    I've done a number of IPCs, actually did one today to get current and here's my process. I might simplify it too much but in general I use the age old Aviate, Navigate, Communicate to determine what I need to focus on. Also should note that I start out my IPC prep by watching the Sporty's IPC...
  8. OkieAviator

    Raptor Aircraft

    Outside of the selling aspect, I don't see what he has done as an accomplishment. His air frame isn't unique, the idea of an auto conversion isn't unique. I'm sure more than .0001% of us could whip up a modified air frame in CAD, totally disregarded experienced builders and engineers, and wipe...
  9. OkieAviator

    4 seat kits. What's out there?

    Welcome to POA!
  10. OkieAviator

    Dark Aero 1

    I completely agree with you, not buying into any hype about the aircraft or it's performance specs. I just find some of the design features such as a complete wet wing or those dual rudder bits interesting.
  11. OkieAviator

    Dark Aero 1

    These guys did a 45 min presentation on their build for an EAA chapter meeting. Interesting design aspect with the rudder(s). As some have said it looks like a smaller, tighter version of a Lancair Legacy.
  12. OkieAviator

    "Scrappy" Build - STOL Plane

    It's more than just putting in over-sized engine on a small chassis and hoping it works. He whiteboards out his design concepts and goes into details around how he's making it work. The one off design aspect is what I find especially appealing and through his explanations I end up learning...
  13. OkieAviator

    "Scrappy" Build - STOL Plane

    I took it as he was building a 'cub style' plane around that 8 banger engine of his. He did have stringers taped in while he did his layups so maybe you're onto something where he thought maybe he might need to re-add them later, or at least have that option.
  14. OkieAviator

    "Scrappy" Build - STOL Plane

    The dude has a job doing something. He mentions several times on those build videos that he only has the weekends to work on it so he powers through these build sessions. Unless you're retired I think it's how most of us did our builds as well.
  15. OkieAviator

    "Scrappy" Build - STOL Plane

    I'm sure some other avid YouTube content absorbers have seen this. This is the guy who build Draco, and apparently quite a number of other vehicle projects. The idea is he's taking parts from previous builds and putting together another extreme STOL plane. Here's a playlist of all the videos...
  16. OkieAviator

    Steep Spiral Descent

    Emergency descent can be more than just fire. Engine fire you’re right, basically cut off mixture, pitch down and haul ass until it’s out. Potential hypoxia, or loss of cabin pressure or something like that you reduce power and nose down staying below Vne. Engine out you may do a spiral...
  17. OkieAviator

    4 seat kits. What's out there?

    I would assume in Jesses case efficiency and experience. My 10 QB took me around 1300 with a ton of mods. Keeping it per the plans I bet I could do another one much faster. Good tools also go along way, the pneumatic squeezer is the best.
  18. OkieAviator

    Flight test

    It takes about 500 fights to really become a bonafide tuff guy. 1 down, 499 to go.
  19. OkieAviator

    Lightspeed - Poor Customer Service

    I have some David Clark’s... I use them for backseat passengers when I don’t like them enough to give them one of my A20s... my Lightspeeds went in the garbage with the rest of the trash!
  20. OkieAviator

    President Trump Came to See Me!

    I saw him in the Secdef hallway of the Pentagon once. That was pretty cool, didn’t get a pic though for obvious reasons.