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  1. S

    New to the Group

    Welcome,LeviS. Have fun with reigniting the flame.
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    Popup or Call FSS?

    I know in some areas, FSS can communicate over VOR’s. Not sure about Center. Being able to air file may also depend on where and how high you are. Interesting question and discussion!
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    Preparing for IR training

    My recommendation is to use Flight Following and start working on your cross country hours while having some fun. I don’t believe the regs say your cross country time has to be under the hood. I think (it has been a while) you can count any cross country time as long as your are PIC. If...
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    Garmin 480 Waas

    My advice, for what it is worth, echoes hindsight2020and asicer. It can get pretty expensive adding panel mounted units. For VFR -- not worth the expense. If you get serious about an instrument rating, do something like a 175. If a few years goes by before you start the IR, there will...
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    Chicago to NOLA trip in Piper Arrow

    Sounds like a fun, fun trip, Tom. Thanks for the PIREP.
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    Bringing the New Plane Home to Washington State

    Hi Rex. Just a quick comment. I am wondering why if you are flying the I-10 route, you are going from Memphis to Fayetteville, AR. Fayetteville, AR is a fair amount north of Memphis (I am in the Memphis area). I would suggest going from Memphis to maybe Texarkana, Arkansas/Texas instead and...
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    How High Do You Get?

    I remember the picture you posted. That was a few years ago.
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    New License for IR?

    Congratulations, Garavar! Don’t let it bother you if folks say “you should have been taught” this or that. You passed the written and check ride, so you obviously know enough to get started. Just continue learning. Congrats again. Now relax for a while and enjoy!
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    Just would like to introduce myself first.

    Welcome, Radek. I worked with a Polish immigrant for years. He went through an experience in Poland very much like yours, even spending time in prison.
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    My post was censored and taken down by EAA on their forum.

    I have been participating in the Memphis IMC Club since it was started last fall. David Dow (founder and MC) puts a lot of work into getting each meeting put together. We have folks participating from all over, including as far as California. All the meetings are via Zoom, so it works well...
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    Mind your heading

    Shifting winds and updrafts/downdrafts would cause roll about the longitudinal axis, tending to shift the lift vector off vertical and cause the airplane to turn. My $0.02 worth.
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    Newbie: Piper Cherokee last MOH in ‘74

    I agree with mondster. If the bottom end stuff had been sent to Tulsa or similar, that would mean it got a good inspection. For a local mechanic to pronounce it good, that is completely different.
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    Aircraft loans

    Good question, Keith, but I do not know the answer. Some lenders hesitate to loan a relatively small amount on that long a note. I think you could probably get it on 10 years. My suggestion is to check with AOPA if/when you get serious. Some folks say it is dumb to finance a "toy," but...
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    Plane for my mission (in combo with Tesla???)

    Personally, if I were going to try this, I would probably try it in a Turbo C-182. They are pretty roomy, carry a good load, fixed gear and would work for your DA.
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    VFR Nav Log- ok to use GPS (IFR) waypoints?

    It seems to me that if you are doing a VFR nav log, the flight would be under VFR and you would not necessarily be using VOR's (or GPS waypoints) for check points. Unless you flew the airways, which most folks don't do flying VFR, you might be miles from the nearest airway and would not be able...
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    Can we talk about the 172?

    All I have to say about all the folks here who think a 172 is boring, or more boring than a Cherokee is that you need to look out the windows more. I think you have lost the joy of flying.
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    Mass Termination of DPEs - Portland, ME FSDO

    After all, even FAA FSDO folks have an ego! :)
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    Piper Cherokee Firewall Repair

    Why would a 337 be needed for a fire wall repair? Do you know what type of damage there was and how it came to be? Get the CD from the FAA to see if there was some kind of accident or incident reported. You could maybe try to talk to the person who made the repair. My $0.02 worh.
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    Keep a very good wax job on it, get a good cover, keep the doors locked, have control locks on everything and make sure it is snug in the tie downs. I followed that for five years while ours was tied down, and it worked out great. It was really nice to get in a hangar (finally) though.
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    How can a pilot "forget" to put down gear in C510?

    I guess if most pilots (myself included) didn't have a certain amount of "it won't happen to me," attitude, we wouldn't be flying at all. :)