Search results

  1. MD11Pilot

    Bad-Elf Wombat

    Just heard from Bad-Elf and Wombat does not support the Garmin Terrain and I must still use the PC Laptop to download that update. Why does this have to be so hard? I am NOT a computer person. It took me one hour to do the updates earlier this week via my PC Laptop. It takes about 30 seconds...
  2. MD11Pilot

    Bad-Elf Wombat

    Anyone tried this unit? I have a Garmin 530W, 430 and an Aera 796. I just switched to Jeppesen for the 530W NavData (on the MAC) and have to get the 796 from Garmin (subscription still in effect) and Terrain from Garmin on the PC. I am a MAC person but have to use an old and cheap PC laptop...
  3. MD11Pilot

    [Ohio] State tax dept wants purchase price info so they can tax me...

    The county I live here in Texas just sent me a bill for property tax for my rent of a city owned hangar. I protested and was handed a stack of papers from previous legal actions that went all the way to the Texas Supreme Court ruling that it was legal. Exact words of the tax assessor was “we...
  4. MD11Pilot

    A pretty good landing

    Surveillance video catch a Cessna doing a drive by in Huntington Beach. Young lady did a good job considering surrounding power lines and it was rush hour.
  5. MD11Pilot

    Keep Instructing or Go Fly Lear35?

    Addendum Go to job fairs and talk with recruiters and ask them
  6. MD11Pilot

    Keep Instructing or Go Fly Lear35?

    Job is for a SIC and then the last post talks about PIC? Sign a CONTRACT? Never. I know they want to ensure they get their money's worth out of you but in today's market you would be locking yourself in. How much flying do they do in the Lear? Is it part 135? They know you will go to a...
  7. MD11Pilot

    Tokyo Drift - Twin Otter Edition

    About 1500 hours in the Twotter and loved it. Looked like he was using the nose wheel steering instead of rudder and beta but then I would have probably done the same thing. He definitely didn't break the nose wheel steering cable or he wouldn't have taxied away like that. (BTDT). Wet, mucky...
  8. MD11Pilot

    Basic Med Dr. in Austin Texas

    Anyone know of one that they can recommend?
  9. MD11Pilot

    Special Issuance Duration

    Thanks Dr. Chien That is what I was thinking also. Just wanted some verification before scheduling.
  10. MD11Pilot

    Special Issuance Duration

    Complying is not the “hard” part but for so long my medicals were only good for six months. Just hard to rethink durations now.
  11. MD11Pilot

    Special Issuance Duration

    After 40 years of first class medicals I am now debating as to what class to get with a CPAP SI. There is still a slim possibility that I might do some commercial flying but mainly sitting right seat and jerking gear, so the first class is still on my mind. I am over 40 so even a third class...
  12. MD11Pilot

    Things I’ve learned as a captain after a month

    Many many many years ago, as a brand new MD-80 Captain and my F/O was a former Texas International/Continental Airlines Captain with 19 years in the DC-9, I would just tell him to not let me screw up and to advise me what to do. He said "your the Captain" and he treated me as such. On occasion...
  13. MD11Pilot

    Bug in new ForeFlight Search

    Sent it to ForeFlight anyway. They might not know or they may already be working on a fix.
  14. MD11Pilot

    Where would you have diverted to?

    Some of the posts here remind me of my experiences dealing with what we called "The Zero Ground Speed Committee"...made up of those who have the time to dig through the minutiae of the manuals (minutiae that they added to be included with the other semi important stuff) and can nitpick every...
  15. MD11Pilot

    Where would you have diverted to?

    MDT looks closer but I would have done the same and gone to PHL. You need to factor in the time and distance and possible maneuvers to get down to a closer airport. Familiarity with PHL would weigh in also. I have flown both passengers and cargo and honestly didn’t think or fly any...
  16. MD11Pilot

    Mighta had a little tailwind!

    Just did this my Bonanza going to Ohio. Coming back, we did the trip at about 110 kts. The 206 was level cruise and the 231 was at the start of descent. Best in a piston.
  17. MD11Pilot

    IFR for blowing dust

    Planned on landing at Kennett MO last week and just before departure the weather went from CLR and 5 miles with gusts to 29 kts to VV 0 and 1/4 mile. When we flew by it looked like a forest fire. Every airport close by was clear and at least ten miles. Kennett sits at the northern end of a...
  18. MD11Pilot

    Tax those rich airplane owners...

    We just got hit at Georgetown TX for property tax for our rental of city owned hangars. Only two counties in Texas do this and I know that Williamson is a right wing heavily Republican county. Protesting but not holding out hope. Not a lot but we dumped a lot of tea in the harbor for stuff...
  19. MD11Pilot

    Possible PD flying outside bravo towards bravo?

    We had several pilots violated in MEM because of this clearance. Exceeding 200 knots below the floor of Class B. Who in the world keeps a chart out at 4 AM when you’re CLEARED to an altitude by ATC! Some level of reasonableness should be applied in this case. The way we were cleared meant...
  20. MD11Pilot

    Austin, TX area airparks

    I have friends at Lago Vista. It is in my opinion a squirrelly place. Up on top of a hill with trees and when the wind blows a few knots it can be tougher than a cob there. Lots of deer also. There are definitely cliques there but my view is tainted by one of my friends is THE airport...